GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-10 Gender Differences in Time Spent on Parenting and Domestic Responsibilities by High-Achieving Young Physician-Researchers
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-10 The Gender Divide: The Impact of Surgeon Gender on Surgical Practice Patterns in Urology
Elizabeth Pollitzer
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-3 Gender Dimensions of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Rapid Assessment Toolkit
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-3 Women, Peace and Inclusive Societies
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-2 Global Gender and Environment Outlook
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-2 Cancer incidence and mortality patterns in Europe: Estimates for 40 countries in 2012
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 Understanding Women’s Gendered Experiences in Physics and Astronomy Through Microaggressions
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 The Landscape for Women Leaders in Dental Education, Research, and Practice
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 Similarities and Differences in the Career Trajectories of Male and Female Career Development Award Recipients
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 The Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit for Faculty at One Institution: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-30 Biosocial Construction of Sex Differences and Similarities in Behavior
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-30 The Nature–Nurture Debates: 25 Years of Challenges in Understanding the Psychology of Gender
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-30 Technical Resource Series 4: UN-REDD Methodological Brief on Gender
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-25 Gender Differences in Synchronous and Diachronous Self-citations
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-25 Engineering a gender bias
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-25 Female engineers publish in better journals but get fewer citations
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-24 Applying a genders lens to public health discourses on men’s health
Author Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-2 The GGEO project
arroyo_lidia 2017-May-2 GenPORT - Your Gateway to Gender and Science Resources