GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-11 Teaching Gender. Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-31 Women’s representation in national science academies: An unsettling narrative
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-17 Measuring Gender Equality
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-17 Opening doors : gender equality and development in the Middle East and North Africa : Main report
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-12 Gender differences in activity and travel behavior in the Arab world
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-12 Why do Arab states lag the world in gender equality?
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-12 Global Responsibilities. International spillovers in achieving the goals
Gloria Bonder 2017-Jul-5 In higher ed, it’s not enough to “fix the numbers” of women in STEM
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-5 Understanding Masculinities. Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) – Middle East and North Africa
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jun-27 Negotiating Culture in the Promotion of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Latin America
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jun-27 Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Latin America: Regional Learning to Advance Financing for Gender Equality
2017-Jun-16 The Seductions of Quantification. Measuring Human Rights, Gender Violence, and Sex Trafficking
2017-Jun-16 Gleichstellung messbar machen. Grundlagen und Andwendungen von Gender- und Gleichstellungsindikatoren
Author Post date Title
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-6 Jornades GENTALENT
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-4 #HerNetHerRights online conference & tweetchat
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Sep-26 Engendering Environment. Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Impact Assessment in Environmental and Health Protection
2017-Sep-22 Online Certificate Course on Gender and Development Training - 2024 edition 2017-Aug-2 Call for Abstracts “Beyond homo oeconomicus: diversity in economics and social science” Festival for New Economic Thinking
gigi guizzo 2017-Jul-14 #USVreact Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Universities - European Findings Conference in London
Author Post date Title
2017-Sep-22 Human Rights and Justice Group International