GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-24 Gender-Based Violence Against Adolescent and Young Adult Women in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-24 Socio-economic factors, gender and smoking as determinants of COPD in a low-income country of sub-Saharan Africa: FRESH AIR Uganda
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-22 What Do We Know About Glass Ceiling Effects? A Taxonomy and Critical Review to Inform Higher Education Research
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-22 WORKING DOCUMENT on women's careers in Science and University and glass ceilings encountered
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-21 The Gender Gap in Advanced Math and Science Course Taking: Does Same-Sex Education Make A Difference?
Elsa Fontainha 2017-Apr-21 Gender quotas and the crisis of the mediocre man article forthcoming in American Economic Review
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-20 Creating a more supportive and inclusive university culture
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-20 Gender and Disability: A Review of Available Literature
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-19 The Pathway Forward: Creating Gender Inclusive Leadership in Mining and Resources
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-18 Encyclopedia of Gender and Society
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-18 Encyclopedia of sex and gender. Men and Women in the World's Cultures
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-18 Sex, Gender, and Science
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-18 Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-18 Female Doctors in Conflict: How Gendering Processes in German Hospitals Influence Female Physicians’ Careers
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-17 Gender profiles in UK patenting: An analysis of female inventorship
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-17 Sex and Gender: A Reference Handbook
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-17 Report: Gender and biodiversity: Analysis of women and gender equality considerations in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-15 Science and Social Inequality: Feminist and Postcolonial Issues (Race and Gender in Science)
Author Post date Title
Alexandra Bitusikova 2017-Apr-20 ATGENDER Spring Conference 2017
Author Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-16 Environment and Gender Information (EGI) platform