GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
2013-Sep-26 Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE)
Anke@GESIS 2013-Sep-26 Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS
2013-Sep-26 Instituto de la Mujer
Anke@GESIS 2013-Jul-23 GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Author Post date Title
2013-Aug-31 Female research talents - the unused reserve of Danish research
2013-Aug-13 Gender equality in the Lithuanian sytem of education and science
2013-Aug-13 Women in Science / Ženy vo vede
2013-Aug-13 Education and precarious labour in Slovene science (some sociological views on women in science between career and family)
2013-Aug-1 Científicas en cifras 2011
2013-Aug-1 Libro blanco: Situación de las mujeres en la ciencia española
Nina Steinweg
2013-Aug-1 INKA
Juliet Webster 2013-Jul-31 Advancing Women in Maths
Juliet Webster 2013-Jul-31 The position of women and BME staff in professorial roles in UK HEIs
Juliet Webster 2013-Jul-31 "Beyond the leaky pipeline - challenges for research on gender and science", Special Issue of Brussels Economic Review
Juliet Webster 2013-Jul-31 Women and men in science, engineering and technology: the UK statistics guide 2010
Juliet Webster 2013-Jul-31 International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
Anke@GESIS 2013-Jul-31
Rachel Palmén 2013-Jul-30 ingenere
Rachel Palmén 2013-Jul-30 Le dinamiche di reclutamento e di carriera delle donne nel sistema universitario italiano
Rachel Palmén 2013-Jul-30 Meta-analysis of gender and science research: Synthesis Report