
This includes all types of academic publications such as abstracts, book chapters, conf. Proceedings or other.

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 75
Created by Post date Title
AGESEX-UNR 2024-May-14 Apuntes sobre lenguaje no sexista e inclusivo - Cuadernos Feministas para la Transversaliz...
AGESEX-UNR 2024-May-14 Apuntes sobre género en currículas e investigación - Cuadernos Feministas para la Transver...
AGESEX-UNR 2024-May-10 Apuntes Epistemológicos - Cuadernos Feministas para la Transversalización
ESF 2024-Apr-03 ACCTING Policy Brief #1: For an inclusive and socially just European Green Deal: Integrati...
ESF 2024-Apr-03 ACCTING Factsheet: Local is beautiful
ESF 2024-Apr-03 ACCTING Factsheet: Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal
ESF 2024-Apr-02 ACCTING Factsheet: Empowering employees to help mitigate Climate Change: A business-employ...
ESF 2024-Apr-02 ACCTING Factsheet: Promoting access to healthy and environmentally friendly food for the m...
BEO's picture BEO 2024-Jan-22 Equal care - How the European Union promotes gender-equal divison of care work
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: Addressing Poverty and Social Exclusion: A Feminist Perspective
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: More Intersectional Data
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: Crisis as a Continuum: Learning from an Inclusive Feminist Crisis Res...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Striving for Social Justice: Vulnerable Groups in the Recovery Polici...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: The Missing Perspectives of Women in the National Recovery and Resili...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Gender-Based Violence during Crises: Risk Assessment, Prevention and...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Crisis Management for All: Inclusive, Multi-Actor Crisis Management
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Telework as a Double-edged Sword: Risks and Opportunities
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Improving national responses to gender-based violence: Lessons from t...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Reinforcing EU level action to combat Gender-Based Violence
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Care and Crisis: Fostering a Paradigm Shift