A title
Area of expertise, interest, main activities...
About you (other languages)
Esperta di pari opportunità, senior project manager e manager alla Fondazione G. Brodolini, con oltre 17 anni di esperienza nella presentazione e gestione di progetti finanziati a livello europeo. Faccio parte del team di coordinamento di Genport ed ho coordinato il progetto Genis Lab http://genislab-fp7.eu/index.php/guidelin contribuendo alla definizione di un modello per l'implementazione di piani di azione di genere e di un approccio al bilancio di genere su misura per le organizzazioni di ricerca. Ho lavorato alla realizzazione di analisi di bilanci di genere in diverse amministrazioni locali in Italia. Dal 2012 coordino il master on Gender Equality and Diversity Management. Dal 2014 sono la project manager per la Fondazione Brodolini delle attività di ricerca con la Fundamental Right Agency in Vienna. Faccio parte della redazione di www.ingenere.it. Ho un'espereinza consolidata come formatrice sui temi di diversity e inclusion, gender equality, stereotipi di genere, change management nelle PMI, creazione di impresa, progettazione.
About you (please use English)
Gender expert, senior project and contract manager (over 17 years of experience) specialised in EU funded projects designing and management. I am involved in the Genport coordination team for Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, I have been coordinating the Genis Lab project http://genislab-fp7.eu/index.php/guidelin coordinating the implementation of tailored gender equality plans and defining a specific methodology for gender budgeting in research organisations. I have implemented gender budgeting in several local authorities in Italy. Since 2012 I am coordinating the master on Gender Equality and Diversity Management. SInce 2014 I am the project manager for Fondazione Brodolini research activity with the Fundamental Right Agency in Vienna. I am member of the editorial board of www.ingenere.it/en. I have consistent experience as learning facilitator (over 17 years of experience) with competences on diversity and inclusion, gender sterotypes, change management in SMEs, team leading and team building, transnational networking and communication, enterprise start up and mentoring, project designing.
Fluent in Italian, English and French
Fluent in Italian, English and French
Scientific discipline
Area of Gender Expertise
Country coverage
Italy, Europe (EN and FR speaking)
Skills and track record
I have a direct experience in defining, implementing and monitoring Gender Equality Plans, in the framework of the Genis Lab Project. I have a direct experience in defining and implenting gender budgeting for research organisations, with a specific focus on monitoring the gender aspects of the use of ressources such as time, space and financial ressources. I have a direct experience in writing divulgative scientific articles for ingenere.it, specifically on women in science. I also have a specific intereste and skills on the direct link bewteen diversity and innovation.