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During its fifth meeting, which took place in Strasbourg on 2-5 April 2014, the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) discussed the preparation of a Gender Equality Glossary based on the definitions and terms of Council of Europe instruments and standards. During the sixth meeting of the GEC (19-21 November 2014), the Secretariat presented a Concept Note (GEC (2014)7) including an overview of existing glossaries. In the discussion that followed, GEC members instructed the Secretariat to prepare a more detailed document including relevant definitions from Council of Europe instruments and standards, providing sources and explanations for discussion at the GEC meeting in November 2015. This document, prepared by the Secretariat, is the result of these discussions.

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Im Rahmen der moderierten Online-Diskussion „Familienfreundlichkeit und Vereinbarkeit in der Wissenschaft – Vernetzungsstrategien, Herausforderungen und Beispiele aus der Praxis“ am 08. und 09.12.2015 auf sollten Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Vernetzung von Akteur_innen, die an der Umsetzung familienfreundlicher Maßnahmen an Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen beteiligt sind, aufgezeigt werden. Dabei sollte auch nach Strategien zur besseren Vernetzung von Akteur_innen sowie der Umsetzbarkeit von Maßnahmen gesucht werden.

Die Online-Diskussion gliederte sich in verschiedene Themenblöcke, die an zwei aufeinander folgenden Tagen stattfanden. Entlang offener Fragestellungen diskutierten die Teilnehmenden im Chat-Format zu unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen miteinander. Die Diskussion wurde dabei durch das Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung CEWS in deutscher Sprache moderiert. Insgesamt nahmen 14 Personen aktiv an der Online-Diskussion teil, weitere 16 verfolgten die Diskussion ohne Postings zu teilen, darunter Akteur_innen von Familienservicestellen und Gleichstellungsbüros an Hochschulen in Deutschland. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Diskussion werden hier zusammengefasst.

About (English version): 

Summary of the first Online-Discussion on the Reconciliation of Family and Work in Science on

On December 8th and 9th 2015 the first online discussion on family-friendliness and the reconciliation of family and work in science was organized on The German-speaking community discussed gender equality issues and work-life balance measures at German higher education and research institutions. Networking strategies, professional needs and priorities among gender equality officers, as well as success indicators and best practices for measures regarding family-friendliness were discussed in an online format. Issues of recruitment, staff development and training were also on the agenda. The discussion was facilitated by Gesis – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, which is also part of the GenPORT consortium.
The online discussion revealed that existing regional networks and the exchange of experiences among gender equality staff at German higher education and research institutions are crucial, and that a virtual exchange platform, such as, serves as a valuable supplement to these existing networking channels. Participants agreed that measures for a better reconciliation of family and work at German universities require long-term preparation, sustainable planning and managerial support in order to be successful on the long run and raise awareness for the issue among students and staff.
Tailor-made programmes to implement institutional change towards family-friendliness were discussed as beneficial measures for the reconciliation of family and work at German higher education and research institutions. Participants agreed that such measures have generally proven to be successful and helpful to bring about change in organizational culture.

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About (English version): 

Within academia, men are tenured at higher rates than women are in most quantitative fields, including economics. Researchers have attempted to identify the source of this disparity but find that nearly 30% of the gap remains unexplained even after controlling for family commitments and differences in productivity. Using data from academic economists' CVs, I test whether coauthored and solo-authored publications matter differently for tenure for men and women. While solo-authored papers send a clear signal about one's ability, coauthored papers are noisy in that they do not provide specific information about each contributor's skills. I find that men are tenured at roughly the same rate regardless of whether they coauthor or solo-author. Women, however, suffer a significant penalty when they coauthor. The results hold after controlling for the total number of papers published, quality of papers, field of study, tenure institution, tenure year, and the number of years it took an individual to go up for tenure. The result is most pronounced for women coauthoring with only men and is less pronounced the more women there are on a paper, suggesting that some gender bias is at play. I present a model in which bias enters when workers collaborate and test its predictions in the data.

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