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About (English version): 

Identifying whether the COVID-19 outbreak differentially affects males and females is an important step to understand direct and indirect effects of this health emergency.
The aim of this study was to describe the effect of sex on the crude cumulative rate of confirmed SARS-COV-2 infections and deaths for different age categories in six European countries.

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About (English version): 

This GENDERACTION Policy Brief presents policy recommendations on disruptive measures for gender equality which we consider necessary to initiative substantive changes in R&I, together with inspiring examples at policy, RFO and RPO levels.

Policy Brief No 14.

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Joint Civil Society Statement

The world faces an unprecedented moment of crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic is pushing humanity’s resilience to the limit and has vast impacts on the wider social, economic and environmental fabric of our world.


The pandemic especially affects older people, people with disabilities, and those with underlying health conditions, and highlights the importance of a whole-of-society approach to deliver well-resourced health systems that respond to all ages. This is an urgent healthcare emergency that  shines a glaring light on the underlying fragility and inequalities of our societies and the critical need for stronger health systems, universal provision of the right to health and social protection for all, as well as long-term sustainable development, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.


We are resolved that civil society organisations and volunteers have a critical role to play in supporting community action and ensuring that those who are most often marginalised are not left behind through this challenging time. Already huge numbers of volunteers are stepping up in many parts of the world to ensure vital food, medical supplies and basic provisions can reach those who are affected.


We will identify community responses in various countries and share the stories of those community champions who are at the frontline of this emergency response for cross learning and inspiration but we expect world leaders to ensure the following key measures are addressed to build a fairer future:


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About (English version): 

The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting societies around the world in an unprecedented manner. However, not everyone, in every place, will be affected in the same way. Considering how the pandemic affects particular groups will help raise the effectiveness of containment efforts and minimize the potential negative impacts. This note focuses on one of such groups: Women and girls. Experiences from previous pandemics1 show that they can be especially active actors for change, while they can also experience the effects of the crisis in different (and often more negative) ways. Given that the COVID-19 is not gender-blind, the response to it should not be either. Based on the existing evidence and emerging trends the note summarizes key gender differentiated transmission channels and impacts on outcomes across the three areas of endowments, economic conditions, and agency. It also provides recommendations for action (see Table 1). This is a living document, to be completed as more data and analysis are made available.

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