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About (English version): 

As part of a broader stakeholder consultation process around the equality of women and men, the European Commission Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, Unit for Gender Equality organised the Forum on the Future of Gender Equality in the European Union. The Forum was held on 20 and 21 April 2015 in the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in Brussels. A total of 308 participants attended the Forum, representing national governments, EU Institutions, International Organisations, social partners, civil society organisations, businesses and academia. The Forum was professionally moderated by Jacki Davis and Geoff Meade and was designed to allow for maximum participant engagement, providing ample space for discussions and networking

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About (original language): 

Hur görs kön och vetenskaplig kvalitet vid kollegial bedömning? Utifrån vilka premisser bedöms genusforskning och andra tvärveten skapliga och kritiska perspektiv? Vilka konsekvenser får akademins ojämställda och ojämlika villkor för hur forskningsfinansiella organisationer bereder ansökningar om forskningsanslag? Forskningsöversikten söker besvara frågor som dessa genom en analys av svensk, nordisk och internationell forskning om jämställd het, genus och forskningsberedning. I fokus står forskningsfinansiella organisationer och de beredningsprocesser som leder fram till beslut om fördelning av anslag. Forskning om fördelningsutfall, kollegial bedömning, beredningsgrupper, ansökningsbeteende och partiskhet sammanfattas, problematiseras och diskuteras med ojämställdhet, men även ojämlikhet, i blickfånget.

About (English version): 

The current system for research funding may be reinforcing the gender-unequal structures in academia. This is the conclusion of a research review presented by the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research today. In the review, published in Swedish and titled Fördelning eller förfördelning? Forskningsfinansiering, jämställdhet och genus – en forskningsöversikt, Louise Grip and Fredrik Bondestam have compiled and analysed international research on how inequalities related to gender and other factors are created and challenged in the allocation of research funding.

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About (English version): 

Summary of the research review Fördelning eller förfördelning? Forskningsfinansiering, jämställdhet och genus - En forskningsöversikt, Gothenburg 2015-09-16. The current system for research funding may be reinforcing the gender-unequal structures in academia. This is the conclusion of a research review presented by the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research today. In the review, published in Swedish and titled Fördelning eller förfördelning? Forskningsfinansiering, jämställdhet och genus – en forskningsöversikt, Louise Grip and Fredrik Bondestam have compiled and analysed international research on how inequalities related to gender and other factors are created and challenged in the allocation of research funding.

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About (English version): 

The League of European Research Universities, LERU publishes this report showing how Gendered Research and Innovation (GRI) can foster new knowledge and solutions to global challenges. And such challenges are not minor. Indeed, research failing to account for sex and gender specificities can put lives at risk and be costly.

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