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About (English version): 

This document contains information about the initiatives of FCT to promote career development of post-doctoral researchers. It has four sections: (1) Number of active contracts and expenditure; (2) results of Investigador FCT 2012 call; (3) results of Investigador FCT 2013 call; (4) global analysis of the Investigador FCT Programme (2012 and 2013 calls). It has sex-disaggregatd data for research levels.

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About (English version): 

Nordic Research – Key Data 2012

This is the first version of this booklet, “Nordic research – Key data 2012”, containing tables and figures on Nordic R&D statistics and science and technology indicators. It is created by the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) and published by the Nordic Council of Ministers,

The publication contains comparable statistical data on the five Nordic countriers Denmark, FInland, Island, Norway and Sweden, on R&D expenditure, educational attainment of the population, graduates in tertiary education, doctoral degrees (also by gender and country), academic staff (also by gender and country), professors (by gender and country), publishing, citations and patents.  

Includes statistical tables and a summary of highlights.





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About (English version): 

Every year the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) publishes a comprehensive overview of higher education in Sweden in the form of an annual status report based mainly on the extensive statistics provided by the higher educational institutions and Statistics Sweden.

The Swedish Higher Education Authority is responsible for official statistics on higher education. One of the things the organisation measures is gender equality. The annual report includes comprehensive gender statistics.

Summary of the Annual report

In terms of the numbers it employs higher education is the largest public sector undertaking in Sweden.  Overall expenditure in this area amounted to just over SEK 60 billion, which means that the higher education sector accounts for just under two per cent of Sweden´s GDP.

Two trends characterise developments in higher education in recent years. One is that it is becoming more international with an increasing degree of global recruitment, a trend that has been discernible for several years in admissions to both first and second-cycle courses and programmes as well as third-cycle studies. Almost every fourth new student in Sweden (24 per cent) was an incoming HE entrant in the academic year 2012/13.

The second trend is the increasingly important role played by research in higher education. For many years Swedish HEIs have experienced a period of expansion with rising revenues, but it is mainly funding for research at the HEIs that has increased while there have been major variations in the number of places offered in courses and programmes. During the last ten years revenues for research and third-cycle courses and programmes have risen by SEK 7 billion in fixed prices, which corresponds to 24 per cent. The development in recent years towards fewer HE entrants and an increasing focus on research has continued during 2013 – but at a considerably slower pace.


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About (English version): 

Wikipedia has rapidly become an invaluable destination for millions of information-seeking users. However, media reports suggest an important challenge: only a small fraction of Wikipedia's legion of volunteer editors are female. In the current work, we present a scientific exploration of the gender imbalance in the English Wikipedia's population of editors. We look at the nature of the imbalance itself, its effects on the quality of the encyclopedia, and several conflict-related factors that may be contributing to the gender gap. Our findings confirm the presence of a large gender gap among editors and a corresponding gender-oriented disparity in the content of Wikipedia's articles. Further, we find evidence hinting at a culture that may be resistant to female participation.

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