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Review of the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States

This publication is part of EIGE’s broader mandate of moni­toring EU progress towards gender equality within EU policy framework, specifically in relation to the strategic objectives of the Beijing Platform for Action (acknowledged by the Eu­ropean Council in 1995).

The report looks at how Member States (MS) fare in terms of gender equality in power and decision-making positions within bodies of public, eco­nomic and social power between 2003 and 2014. In addi­tion, the report presents new data on decision-making in sport organisations.

Public identifier: 
ISBN 978-92-9218-639-5 doi:10.2839/899480
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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
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About (English version): 

Careers in science, engineering, and medicine offer opportunities to advance knowledge, contribute to the well-being of communities, and support the security, prosperity, and health of the United States. But many women do not pursue or persist in these careers, or advance to leadership positions - not because they lack the talent or aspirations, but because they face barriers, including: implicit and explicit bias; sexual harassment; unequal access to funding and resources; pay inequity; higher teaching and advising loads; and fewer speaking invitations, among others.

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USA United States of America
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About (English version): 

Three higher level education and research institutes cross nationally researched decision making and communications processes to explore their gendered effects. This report sets out the structure of positional power and the arenas of decision making in the organisations. Drawing on documentary evidence and interviews with decision makers and committee members in these institutions, it reveals the ways that organisation practices in relation to decision making and communications conceal the operation of power and contribute to gender inequality. Recommendations are made which address structural and cultural issues to facilitate more transparency and accountability in decision making and communications processes and to advance gender equality.

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About (English version): 

Avveduto, S., Badaloni, S., Hermann, C. Martinelli, L., Rubbia, G., Zoppè, M. 2019. #WeTooInScience Sexual Harassment in Higher Education Institutions and Research Organizations, Rome, 2019 Conference Proceedings.

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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
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