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About (English version): 

Plan of change is based on the theory of change, which is viewed as a tool and methodology to outline the logical sequence of an initiative from inputs to outcomes. Alternatively, it is understood as “a deeper reflective process and dialogue amongst colleagues and stakeholders, reflecting on the values, worldviews and philosophies of change that make more explicit people’s underlying assumptions of how and why change might happen as an outcome of the initiative” (Vogel, 2012: 3). However, theory of change benefits from combining both approaches. The outlining of the logical sequence is supported by critical thinking about the surrounding conditions that influence the plan, the motivations and contributions of stakeholders and other actors, and the different interpretations or certain assumptions about how and why that order of change might emerge (Vogel, 2012). 

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About (English version): 

The aim of Future Workshop is for all participants to design their desired future without any objections or restrictions from experts or the organisation or leading personalities. The aim of this activity is two-fold: first, to design your desired future, and second, to develop unconventional and imaginative solutions to an issue or a problem. Overall, Future Workshop works with an atmosphere that promotes creativity and visionary thinking. 

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About (English version): 

The World Café aims to facilitate collaborative dialogue and knowledge and idea sharing in a creative way through a living network of conversation and action. As the name suggests, the facilitator creates a café ambiance of small groups sitting around tables, which encourages participants to discuss issues and questions. After a specified time, the participants move to a new table, apart from the table host (one host per table), who then recaps the previous conversations to the new table participants. As a result, the following discussions are cross-pollinated with the ideas from previous conversations among other participants. At the end of the process the main ideas are summarised in a plenary session and follow-up actions are discussed. The event lasts a few hours – a minimum of four hours and a maximum of an entire day, depending upon the topic and ambitions of the project (Slocum, 2003: 141).

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About (English version): 

This activity helps individuals and groups to crystallise what is important in what they do/their work. It also facilitates the identification of an unambiguous shared purpose, which leads to more freedom and more responsibility. The overall goal of this activity is to clarify the purpose of the participants working together.

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