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Team Science (Chapter 1), Research Assessment (Chapter 2) and Gender Research (Chapter 3).

First, to review the literature on the main factors that affect team performance, followed by the different ways that research is currently assessed and
evaluated. The third chapter examines the gender dimensions of team science and research assessment in order to arrive at an understanding how gender diversity
specifically affects team performance. The fourth chapter finally spells out the methodological implications for our case study research, the development of the Gender-
Diversity-Index and the survey.

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These posters can be used to increase the awraeness of the importance of a balance lifestyle for men and women, enabling men to share more of the caring responsibilities traditionally taken on by women.

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About (English version): 

In recent years, many studies have addressed gender balance in science and, more specifically, the role of women in scientific production. The results from these studies reveal differences according to country, time period and, in particular, scientific discipline. Less attention has been paid, however, to gender balance in the scientific production specific to individual research projects.

In order to explore this little-known aspect of gender balance, we focus on the Atapuerca archaeo-palaeontological project (Burgos, Spain), a large-scale mission dedicated to the study of human evolution. The scientific output generated by this project embraces various disciplines including; anthropology, palaeontology, geosciences, evolutionary biology, and genetics. Although developed in Spain, this project includes researchers from numerous institutions in 21 countries on five continents. The Atapuerca project is one of the most outstanding research programs to study world prehistory in terms of economic investment, relevance of excavated sites, number of scientists engaged, organisational complexity, and volume of scientific production. From 1978 to 2016, more than 1,000 people participated in excavations at the Atapuerca sites. Subsequent research generated publications in highly rated international scientific journals, including 6 papers in Nature, 6 in Science and 15 in PNAS. In addition, the project has generated a significant social impact with a total of 2,349,052 visitors to the facilities related to the project between 2010 and 2015 (the archaeological sites, the archaeological park and the Museum of Human Evolution). Moreover, Atapuerca is a UNESCO’s World Heritage Site since 1997.

Our results suggest that gender differences are starting to disappear among younger researchers. This trend has been significantly marked in the Atapuerca project by two factors, namely; the role of the three (male) directors in scientific production and the increasing percentage of PhD theses completed by female researchers.

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About (English version): 

Gender Diversity Index is a composite indicator for monitoring the outcomes of gendered team
processes. Seven grounds of diversity are included: age, educatonal level, care
responsibilites, marital status, type of contract, seniority and team tenure (years of experience in the
team). It is bound between 0 and 1, and measures both parity in representaton in the most desirable
categories (e.g. senior roles) or more inclusive categories (e.g. care responsibilites), as well as equal
chances for women and men to access these categories (attrition) for each of the seven grounds.

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