Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)

About (English version): 

GENDERACTION released report on “National roadmaps and mechanisms in ERA priority 4” which analyses different approaches of Member States to the implementation of gender equality in National Action Plans and Strategies (NAPs). The present Briefing Paper aims to highlight key results and a set of criteria which allow identifying good practice NAPs and good practice measures. The aim is to support further development of existing NAPs and thereby to strengthen gender equality in the ERA community and structures.

Genderaction Policy Brief 9. 

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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
Czech Republic
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About (English version): 

The European Commission has launched a proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021-2027), “Horizon Europe”. This Briefing Paper is a call to action to properly integrate the principle of gender equality policies in the Rules for Participation in Horizon Europe. The aim is to strengthen gender equality in the ERA community and structures as well as to innovate gender equality policy implementation in the scientific field.

Type of resource: 
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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
Czech Republic
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About (English version): 

The European Commission has launched a proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021-2027), “Horizon Europe”. This Briefing Paper is a call to action to properly integrate gender equality policies in the “Strengthening the ERA” part of the Proposal. The aim is to strengthen gender equality in the ERA community and structures as well as to innovate gender equality policy implementation in the scientific field.

Genderaction Policy Brief 7. 

Type of resource: 
Media Type: 
Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
Czech Republic
Date created: 
Is this resource freely shareable?: 
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About (English version): 

The European Commission has launched a proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021-2027), “Horizon Europe”. This Briefing Paper is a call to action to redefine the proposed model of International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, known as Openness to the World, in light of the Women’s Human Rights principles and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Given that both Gender and International Cooperation are ERA priorities, the European Commission is responsible for taking the lead on mainstreaming gender in international cooperation in STI. Key provisions for it should be specified in Horizon Europe.

Genderaction Policy Brief 6. 

Type of resource: 
Type of intervention: 
Media Type: 
Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
Czech Republic
Date created: 
Is this resource freely shareable?: 
Gender and Science taxonomy: 
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