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About (English version): 

The European Commission has launched a proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021-2027), called “Horizon Europe”. This Briefing Paper is a call to action towards a proper integration of gender mainstreaming in Horizon Europe based on the evidence provided by official reports and recommendations regarding Gender in Research & Innovation from gender experts and stakeholders across Europe. The aim is to strengthen gender equality in the ERA community and structures as well as to innovate gender equality policy implementation in the scientific field.

Genderaction Policy Brief 1.

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Czech Republic
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About (original language): 

Publikacija je nastala kot rezultat mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta GARCIA – Enakost spolov v akademski in raziskovalni sferi: boj proti karierni nestabilnosti in asimetriji ( Cilj projekta je raziskovanje, oblikovanje in izvajanje posebnih ukrepov za ustvarjanje enakih možnosti med spoli v akademskem okolju (visokem šolstvu in raziskovanju). Na podlagi analize na makro-, mezo- in mikroravni publikacija obravnava spolno zaznamovane asimetrije na visokošolskih in raziskovalnih institucijah, s poudarkom na raziskovalkah/raziskovalcih na začetku znanstvenih karier, ki so zaposlene/zaposleni za določen čas. Z osredotočanjem na osebne izkušnje znanstvenic/znantvenikov, ki vstopajo v akademsko okolje, se prispevki poglabljajo v dinamike spolno zaznamovanih vsakdanjih praks v akademskem okolju in razkrivajo slepe pege v obstoječih poskusih uveljavljanja načela enakih možnosti v visokošolskih in raziskovalnih institucijah.

About (English version): 

Focusing on the personal experiences of early-career academics makes it possible to detect micro-politics at work, yet also to reveal deeper problems that academic labourers are facing. The core of our examination presented in this book is based on qualitative data, in order to provide insight into multifaceted issues of gender asymmetries in academia in Slovenia. Qualitative analyses in the GARCIA project ( were based on interviews (men and women in SSH and STEM research fields, excluding the arts) conducted among three target sub-groups: postdocs, newly tenured academics and what are called movers or leavers. These interviews were compared with those conducted with postdocs and newly tenured and permanent researchers still working in the GARCIA institutions. This comparison yielded an understanding of the career trajectories of those who remained, compared with those who had moved or left, and of the problems faced by researchers working inside and outside academia. In this way, it was also possible to detect differences and similarities between labour conditions in STEM and SSH disciplines and connections between academia and the business sector. Although we primarily focussed on women, we built our analyses on the concept of intersectionality, which recognizes the importance of multifaceted identity performance beyond heteronormative patterns.

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ISBN 978-961-254-982-4
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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
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About (English version): 

This summary report gives a systematic overview of the different conditions of the legal and policy frameworks in the partner countries (Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany) with a focus on the implementation of Gender Equality Plans in Higher Education.

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About (English version): 

This report is a long version of the one that was submitted by the “Commission Expert Group1 on the interim evaluation of Gender equality as a crosscutting issue in Horizon 2020” to contribute to the overall interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 as set in Article 32 of the Horizon 2020 Framework Regulation. This report aims to identify possible improvements in the implementation of gender equality (GE) as a crosscutting issue in Horizon 2020. It assists the European Commission (EC) in assessing gender equality, and – in particular – the gender dimension in research and innovation (R&I) content, as a crosscutting issue at the various stages of the implementation of Horizon 2020 from the Work Programme (WP) definition to the funded projects. It aims to provide a solid evidence base for designing future activities and initiatives, in particular the preparation of the ex- ante impact assessment of the next Framework Programme (FP) for Research and Innovation. 

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