Video Interviews

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 18:23

In this interview Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner explains how technical innovations are more successful when including a gender diversity perspective. She highlights the advantages of taking into account women’s needs in the design of innovations and also the benefits of gender diversity in working teams.  

Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner is Head of Frauenhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation, and Professor for Gender and Diversity in Organisations at TU Berlin (Germany). 

Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 13:11

This weeks’ video interview features Arn Sauer who is currently Research Officer for Gender Equality & Gender Mainstreaming at Environmental Federal Agency, Germany.  

He will be talking about the process at the Environmental Federal Agency of Germay to incorporate gender mainstreaming into their organisation.  It’s an insider view on how to make gender mainstreaming effective and deal with the most common misconceptions about gender equality. Any comments or questions to this video are welcome! 



Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - 14:23

How do sex and gender affect disease prevention? To what extent does medical research and practice take into account a gender dimension? Why is a gender perspective potentially even a life saving issue in Medicine? Watch Dr. Ineke Klinge answer these questions in the following video.

Friday, March 4, 2016 - 09:31

In this weeks video post we have the pleasure to introduce our interview with Gloria Bonder.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 17:45

Dr. Elizabeth Pollitzer is co-funder and director of PORTIA. In the following video interview she presents her experience on how integrate gender dimension in environmental and climate research projects and explains the contributions of gender perspective in Sustainable Development goals.

Friday, February 19, 2016 - 14:41


Our second video interview features Ulrike Roehr , Board Member of GenderCC- Women for Climate Justice. She will talk about the importance of a gender perspective for climate justice, give a concrete example how a gender perspective has affected project results and finally give key advice for researchers on how to incorporate a gender perspective into their research. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016 - 14:24

GenPORT will release during the upcoming weeks a series of video interviews with leading figures of the Gender and Science landscape in Europe. The interviews aim to provide short and concise statements regarding key issues such as gender equality policies, the incorporation of a gender perspective into research content or the implementation of gender equality policies in universities and research performing organisations.