GenPORT officially launched its Internet Portal at the European Parliament during a working breakfast hosted by the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel, and attended by MEPs representing the Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) committees, on the 21st April 2016 in Brussels. The breakfast was hosted by Terry Reintke MEP (FEMM Committee member) and Eva Kaili MEP (STOA First Vice-Chair) and chaired by Mairead McGuinness, EP Vice-President responsible for STOA who gave insightful introductions and reflections as to how GenPORT could support their work. After the breakfast, the launch then relocated to the Residence Palace Press Centre where 60 participants, representing 48 organisations from 18 countries, gathered to exchange. Invited speakers represented 9 key science stakeholder organisations from across the Europe landscape who shared with the participants the work they are doing on Gender and explored how GenPORT will support them in the delivery of their goals.
Taking advantage of the occasion, the following video gives a very brief summary of the event, followed by an introduction to the portal emphasizing some if its functionalities and services via the voice of current users and stakeholders.
Thanks again to everybody for participating in our launch and making it such a success!
GenPORT Launch from GenPORT Project on Vimeo.
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