Gender dimension in Research Content

Today, 7th July: Gender dimension in Research Content, 2:00 - 4:00pm (Brussels time)

  • measures to ensure that applicants consider the role of sex-gender factors in research content
  • measures to promote systematic analysis of gender dimension in research content, process and outcomes
  • measures to develop evidence showing strategic benefits of gender sensitive and responsive research



Rachel Palmén's picture

Great! Any further suggestions always welcome! 

Dorothy Ngila's picture

Amazing recommendations!
Have you considered something in relation to the diversity of research teams? A gender diverse research team might encourage the reformulation of research questions, and add value to the methodologies used. Perhaps this is also an area where funding agencies can play a role in encouraging. I have just had a glimpse of these reports: (not contextualized to science but may help in framing the recommendation)

Rachel Palmén's picture

OK! that's great I'll have a look at these! 

elenamartines's picture

Hi Joerg, Lotta, indeed, impact assessment is the Holy Grail of research assessment at the moment..!
Science Foundation Ireland requires that applicants to certain programmes describe the potential impact of the proposed research. The quality of this impact statement is a review criterion. It requires long-term vision, and it is understood that the impact of research may well change its course in the process. In post-award, we then monitor the impact of the awards we funds through annual reports and site visits. The outputs of the impact monitoring is mainly narrative, where the application and outcome of a specific piece of research becomes evident, and as such the potential for gender consideration within the project. On the basis of this information, site reviewers could be asked to comment on the adequateness of gender inclusion at implementation stage, with a consideration for the type of research and the type of impact foreseen. In this way, this assessment could exemplify the strategic benefit of including gender considerations in research, by showing how the outcome of the research is relevant to different population groups.
However, I must say that while in SFI the process for impact assessment is in place, it does not include any gender-relevant aspects at the moment. This is something that we should definitely look at in the future

Henrietta Dale's picture

Thank you so much for a lively and insightful discussion today! Please use this final 10 mins of the discussion slot to post anything you might not have had the chance to do so yet. The active administered discussion will close shortly but thread will remain open until tomorrow afternoon so you can remain and/or add things later as they come to mind.

Look forward to reconvening tomorrow at 14:00 Brussels times when we will be examining

  • measures to achieve sufficient gender balance among applicants for research grants, and among grant evaluation panels
  • measures to ensure that women and men have the same success rates and receive the same average grant amount, taking into account the nature of the research and the type of grant

Thanks again!

Henrietta Dale's picture

Please send me feedback on what you liked, didn’t like or how we can improve the online discussion. I’ll try to get this implemented for tomorrow’s discussion or integrate it into the other online discussions in the series we are holding. Please send feedback to my email


Dorothy Ngila's picture

Thank you for organizing such a stimulating discussion and for inviting me. It has been incredible, and I look forward to tomorrow's.

elenamartines's picture

Looking forward to tomorrow's discussion!

Lotta's picture

Thank you and see you tomorrow!

glorbond's picture

From the perspective of Latin America there are some preconditions or work to do to influence research institutions on adopting systemic and sustainable gender equality measures and policies . Governments, feminist groups and women political leaders focus their action on what is considered the main priorities for achieving gender equality in LAC societies : access to education, and to health, gender based violence, increase women´s political participation, struggle against poor labour conditions, pay gap, etc.

Gender inequalities and discriminatory practises particularly in S&T environments are mainly seen as non "valid " scientific topic or matter, or are consider as a demand impulsed mainly by some feminist groups that can be "taken" in the margins of their policies or in political correct discourses

Usually gender is associated only with women, and particularly with women´s needs

There are serious resistances in understanding and accepting the scientific and social value of integrating gender analysis in research projects. A positivism representation of science is still prevailing in many ( there are exceptions) scientific groups and all innovations including gender analysis, interdisciplinary, are seen as threat to good or serious science

Some countries have adopted measures or policies under a gender equality framework which are mainly focus in promoting young women´s access to science and technology careers ,redressing obstacles in women´s professional trajectories and put in place better policies of maternity leave in the assumption that raising children is traditionally a woman’s role and that that is the main obstacle for their full participation in the development of their scientific career

The women´s movement in LAC is large and has been very active in promoting important laws and policies, as well as in raising awareness in society; but gender equality in S&T is not part of their agenda. Complementary women involved in integrating a gender perspective in S&T research have little or no contact and exchanges with that movement. That situation reproduces a traditional binary between politics and science and does not profit of the experiences and knowledge of both actors

Much need to be done to strenghten what has been achieved and increase the comprehension of the socia, economic ans scientific c benefits of gender sentive and responsive research

Among other actions :

- clarify the meaning and implications of integrating a gender perspective in science and technology institutions ,stressing their relevance for social and economic development at the national and regional level. A taxonomy? Elaboration of regional and /or national guidelines with the participation of multiple stakeholders or actors ?

- impulse multidisciplinary and multiactoral dialogues, and training programs that address conceptual and methodological aspects for the integration of a systematic analysis of gender dimension in research content , process and outcomes.

- Incorporate the gender perspective in science and technology education all along the educational levels

- Develop qualitative research projects on the perceptions, attitudes, resistances of scientis both men and women towards the integration gender analysis in science projects and the implementation of gender equality policies in research institutions.

Active Threads:


8 years 1 month ago
Posted by: Henrietta Dale
Today we will be discussing:measures to achieve sufficient gender balance among applicants for research grants, and among grant evaluation panelsmeasures to ensure that women and men have the same success rates and receive the same average grant amount, taking into account the nature of the research and the type of grant
Comments: 56


8 years 1 month ago
Posted by: Henrietta Dale
Today, 7th July: Gender dimension in Research Content, 2:00 - 4:00pm (Brussels time)measures to ensure that applicants consider the role of sex-gender factors in research contentmeasures to promote systematic analysis of gender dimension in research content, process and outcomesmeasures to develop evidence showing strategic benefits of gender sensitive and responsive research 
Comments: 60

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