GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Academic & science careers

Author Post date Title
2017-Nov-21 Vicious circles of gender bias, lower positions, and lower performance: Gender differences in scholarly productivity and impact
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Nov-20 "Inside the Ivory Tower: Narratives of Women of Colour Surviving and Thriving in British Academia"
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-19 Gender Equality Index 2017 Report
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-18 Women are underrepresented in computational biology: An analysis of the scholarly literature in biology, computer science and computational biology
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-11 Teaching Gender. Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis
2017-Sep-29 Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science. Guidelines.
Gloria Bonder 2017-Sep-27 Integration of gender perspectives in science and technology in Higher Education: contributions to the advancement of SDG's
Author Post date Title
2017-Nov-21 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
Magaly Thill
2017-Nov-17 MAP-FGM video
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Nov-13 Intersectionality in STEM
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Nov-9 BIST Round Table: Empowering Women in Science within the BIST Community
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-25 Seminario Internacional de la Red GENCPOLIS (FEM2015-71218-REDT) y las IV Jornadas de Investigación Feminista del IIEDG "Género, Ciudadanía y Políticas"
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-20 Motherhood, Mobility, Migration Symposium
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-20 Writing history from the perspectives of gender and the body
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-17 International Conference: Reproductive Politics, Rights and Desires
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Oct-6 Jornades GENTALENT
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Sep-26 2017 ECU Annual Conference: "Inclusivity, intersectionality, action: moving forward the equality agenda in higher education"
2017-Sep-22 Online Certificate Course on Gender and Development Training - 2024 edition
Author Post date Title
Magaly Thill
2017-Nov-17 Multisectoral Academic Programme to prevent and combat Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting
c.j.vinkenburg 2017-Nov-14 Capturing career paths of ERC grantees and applicants