GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Academic & science careers

Author Post date Title
chatzimallis 2019-Feb-27 Webinar on the Promotion of Gender Equality at EURAXESS and EQUAL-IST
chatzimallis 2019-Jan-31 5th Webinar of the EQUAL-IST Webinar Series on: Gender in ICT/IST research content: Why and how to integrate a gender (and intersectional) approach in your research projects
sreiland 2019-Jan-8 How to design, implement and follow-up a Gender Equality Plan
arroyo_lidia 2018-Dec-17 Seminar: Strategies to increase girls’ interest in STEM
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Oct-22 I, Scientist 2019 - The conference on gender, career paths and networking
hulyacaglayan 2018-Oct-19 6TH EUROPEAN WOMEN RECTORS CONFERENCE: Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia
Author Post date Title
rparedes 2019-Feb-13 Journal club_ Gender differences in individual variation in academic grades fail to fit expected patterns for STEM
2018-Oct-22 Blog "Mulheres na Física no Século XXI"
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Measuring Gender Diversity in Research Teams: Methodological Foundations of the Gender Diversity Index.
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Using Wearable Sensors in Gender Research. Comparative Case Study Report.
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Gender Diversity and Team Science. Conceptual Framework
2018-Oct-9 Gender balance in the scientific production of the Atapuerca archaeological and palaeontological research project
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity Index - how inclusive is your team?
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity - Implications for Gender & Science Policy
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity - Implications for Research Funding Organizations
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity - Implications for Team Group Leaders
2018-Oct-5 Hochschulranking nach Gleichstellungsaspekten 2017
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 Znanost (brez) mladih. Zgodnje stopnje znanstvene kariere skozi perspektivo spola
Author Post date Title
2018-Nov-7 Gender Equality Team, University of Southern Denmark
Author Post date Title
2018-Sep-27 SUPERA- Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia