GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Gender roles & expectations

Descriptive level; for example: masculine image of technology, girls/women good in communication.

Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-7 Familienfreundlichkeit an deutschen Hochschulen - Schritt für Schritt
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-7 Balancierung von Wissenschaft und Elternschaft im Spiegel der Forschung
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Portal Intersektionalität
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Onlinejournal Kultur & Geschlecht
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Gender as symbolic glue: the position and role of conservative and far right parties in the anti-gender mobilizations in Europe
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-12 Managing Unconcious Bias
2015-Jul-24 The Impact of Gender Composition on Team Performance and Decision-Making: Evidence from the Field
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-21 Confronting the Gender Impact of Ebola virus Disease in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-13 Special Eurobarometer 393 DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2012 REPORT
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-13 Special Eurobarometer 376 WOMEN IN DECISION-MAKING POSITIONS REPORT
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-13 8 March 2011: "100th anniversary of Women's day:Fighting against gender discriminations in the EU"Eurobarometer Special (EB 75.1)
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-12 Special Eurobarometer 419 PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS OF SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
2015-Apr-13 Ultimate Guide to Computer Science Education & Careers for Women
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-30 Gender and the Politics of Shame
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-17 Gender and Music: Practices, Performances, Politics
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-17 Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-27 Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2016
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-20 Frauengesundheit: Rosige Zeiten? Wissen - Wirklichkeiten - Widerstände
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-20 Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin - Special: Zur Lage des Feminismus
Henrietta Dale 2014-Nov-7 International Conference on Gender and Education Critical Issues, Policy and Practice