This is a report on Gender Summit 9 - Europe, which took place in November 2016. Women were not the only ones speaking at the this Gender Summitin in Brussels. Men, too, spoke out about the challenges posed by gender inequality and how to address this issue – in conversations as well as formal presentations. Afterwards, one of them used the phrase “He for She” to describe the benefits of having men advocate for gender equity on behalf of not only women but society as a whole. It was Dr. B. Mario Pinto, President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, who will be organizing the 11th Gender Summit in Canada this fall.
Dr. Pinto was referring to the HeForShe movement, which was created by UN Women as a platform for men and boys to “become change agents for the achievement of gender equality.”
So why is it important? Dr. Pinto acknowledged the reality that some people are still more likely to be influenced by men. Plus, with men still holding the majority of senior management positions in academia and industry, they’re in a position to spread the word further.