Proposals to adjust the role of women in science (measures to eliminate)
Some measures relating to motherhood
When women give birth or adopt a child, their scientific production should be
calculated as less productive for at least a year and accompanied by a work pause
when appropriate.
Temporary reduction of their teaching or project management activities during the
period of maternity.
Quality crèches at work must be provided.
General measures
• Inclusion of across the board gender equality in academic and scientific activity to
integrate gender aspects into:
o Structures(maintainingsex-disaggregatedstatisticsforallacademicand
scientific activity and seeking a gender balance in professional associations
and rotation of positions)
o Programmes(includingcontentongenderequalityandconsideringthegender
impact on particular research work)
o Budget:Societymustfinancespecificeducationalprograms,inorderto
highlight the significance of gender equality.
Supervision of selection procedures: entrance, promotion, awarding of sabbaticals,
project funding, scholarships etc.
Gender mainstreaming manuals and trainings offered to members of selection boards
Systematic accountability of progress in terms of equality
Assistance so that activities which use public money respect principles of equality
(from the criteria that govern appointments in the Royal Academies to the science committees of congresses and national prizes or eligible positions).
Positive Action Measures
Money and/or reserved positions to achieve a numerical balance between women and
Active recruitment of women (seeking potential candidates when women do not apply
for a post), particularly for senior positions
Remedies by various organisations and fora for the correction or the drastic
improvement of the situation.
In addressing the issues with glass ceilings that women can encounter in the science & other fields, the important area to note is that the glass is indeed only glass. The report will bring forward examples of how the glass is encountered for various situations & individuals – and how these barriers can be whittled away, or even shattered, by taking specific measures today that address gender bias and by working with the future workforce to build confidence, skills and change perceptions.