GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Structural change

Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2015-Sep-22 Gendered research and innovation: Integrating sex and gender analysis into the research process
2015-Sep-8 Curt Rice / Science in balance
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Evaluation of the Beijing Platform for Action +20
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-12 Managing Unconcious Bias
2015-Jul-22 Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship
arroyo_lidia 2015-Jul-2 Equidad de Género en Ciencia y Tecnología en América Latina: Bases y Proyecciones en la Construcción de Conocimientos, Agendas e Institucionalidades
Rachel Palmén 2015-May-22 The DFG's Research Orientated Standards on Gender Equality
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-13 Special Eurobarometer 376 WOMEN IN DECISION-MAKING POSITIONS REPORT
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-12 Abstract Compendium: Gender Summit 4 EU 2014
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-12 Gender Equality in the European Social Fund 2007-2013
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-12 Boosting Euality between women and men in the EU - key actions and figures
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-11 Equal but Different A framework for integrating gender equality in Health Service Executive Policy, Planning and Service Delivery
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-11 Irish Research Council Gender Strategy & Action Plan 2013 - 2020
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-11 ADVANCE at a Glance
2015-May-11 ANNEXES - Stocktaking 10 years of "women in science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009
2015-May-11 Stocktaking 10 years of "women in science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009
Author Post date Title
2015-Sep-8 WINNET8 / Women's Resource Centres, Promoting Innovation in Gender Equality across Europe
2015-Jun-13 Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)
2015-May-5 INstitutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research
2015-May-5 Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia