Talented women for a successful Wales

About (English version): 

Despite outperforming men in education, women are under-represented in the STEM workforce.

We commissioned an independent task and finish group to provide us with a report on how we can increase the number of women working in STEM. The report makes recommendations on how we can:

  • recruit more women into STEM in the first place
  • retain women in the STEM workforce
  • encourage women into leadership roles.

The report sets an agenda for everyone with a stake in the future of the STEM workforce. This includes business, educators, and the public sector.  

We have  accepted all 33 recommendations in the Talented Women for a Successful Wales report. The Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales is setting up an internal working group to take forward the recommended actions in the report, involving policy officials from across the Welsh Government, and reporting to Ministers.

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ISBN 9781473459922
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