Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

About (English version): 
Despite recent advances, the struggle for gender equality, bodily integrity, and self-determination is ongoing. Challenges to gendered freedoms and trans* inclusion undermine feminist and LGBTQI+ movements, critical studies and academic freedoms. Informed by the insights of feminism and queer politics, RESIST understands social differences as intersecting with each other. The project will explore the impact of so-called ‘anti-gender’ politics across Europe and beyond. Developing methods to create and support collective work towards gendered and sexual liberations, the project will map anti-gender politics, and explore lived experiences and counterstrategies. The research team will work together with civil society to generate new ideas and solutions. RESIST will inform policy making, aimed at benefiting those subjected to intersecting discriminations, and public at large.

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