GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Engineering and technology

Author Post date Title
2016-Feb-19 Klima braucht Wandel. Potenziale der Genderforschung nutzen(Climate needs change: maximizing the potential of gender studies)
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Feb-3 ENGENDERING HABITAT III Facing the Global Challenges in Cities, Climate Change and Transport
Laura Getz 2016-Jan-25 Women Techmakers Vienna
Author Post date Title
2016-Feb-17 Paris Pionnieres
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Jan-26 GenderInSITE
Author Post date Title
Henrietta Dale 2016-Feb-5 Tough Choices: The real reasons A Level students are steering clear of science and Maths
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Feb-5 Open lecture: Is your software gender-inclusive?
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-25 Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-13 What Gender Is Science?
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-23 Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-22 The Ada Lovelace Day Education Pack
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Fitting into the stereotype: How gender-stereotyped perceptions of prototypic peers relate to liking for school subjects
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Cross‐National Gender Gaps in Educational Expectations: The Influence of National‐Level Gender Ideology and Educational Systems
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Exploring Cross-National Differences in Gender Gaps in Education
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Mathematics and science choice following introduction of compulsory study profiles into Dutch secondary education
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Gendered study choice: a literature review. A review of theory and research into the unequal representation of male and female students in mathematics, science, and technology
Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-10 Road-traffic injuries: confronting disparities to address a global-health problem
2015-Nov-26 N. M. Else-Quest - J. Shibley Hyde - M. C. Linn / Cross-National Patterns of Gender Differences in Mathematics: A Meta-Analysis
Author Post date Title
Ana Proykova
2015-Dec-20 Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology
Ana Proykova
2015-Dec-20 European Platform of Women Scientists