Health sciences

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 21 - 40 of 42
Created by Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-02 Development and validation of a job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in low back...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-02 Gender differences: are there differences even in Pediatrics and Neonatology?
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-02 Gender, Age, Society, Culture, and the Patient’s Perspective in the Functional Gastrointes...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Closing the gender leadership gap: a multi-centre cross-country comparison of women in man...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Sex, Space and Environmental Adaptation: A National Workshop on Research Priorities on Sex...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Sexuality and Gender Role in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Control Study
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Sex-dimorphic landing mechanics and their role within the noncontact ACL injury mechanism:...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Musculoskeletal, Biomechanical, and Physiological Gender Differences in the US Military
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Sex differences in the shoulder joint position sense acuity: a cross-sectional study
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-28 Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment: Moving Beyond the Nature/Nurture Debate
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-22 Assessing Cardiovascular Risk. Systematic Evidence Review
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-13 Health Research Board Gender Policy
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2016-Nov-15 Strategy on women's health and well-being in the WHO European Region
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2016-Nov-15 Women’s health and well-being in Europe: beyond the mortality advantage (2016)
SHiltner's picture SHiltner 2016-Oct-04 Women in cardiology textbooks: 'special', 'atypical' or absent
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-13 Evaluating sex as a biological variable in preclinical research: the devil in the details
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2016-Jan-25 Sex Versus Gender-Related CharacteristicsWhich Predicts Outcome After Acute Coronary Syndr...
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Olson.Mary's picture Olson.Mary 2016-Jul-31 Gender and Radiation Impact Project

Users related with the taxonomy term SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
inekeklinge Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Netherlands Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
s.heidari's picture s.heidari Medical and health sciences, Basic medicine Switzerland Gender, Gender in basic medicine Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
mariadelmar.garciacalvente's picture mariadelmar.gar... Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Spain Gender in health sciences, Gender research Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
Eugenia Vilarchao Natural sciences, Biological sciences France Science stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
elegodi's picture elegodi Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Spain Gender in health sciences Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Linnea Karlsson Lind Medical and health sciences, Basic medicine Sweden Gender in basic medicine, Gender in clinical medicine
clfs Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Spain Policy stakeholders, Gender equality / women’s ministries
PalomaGlez's picture PalomaGlez Engineering and technology, Other engineering and technologies Spain Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
MBenet Medical and health sciences, Health sciences España Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
inmamateo Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Spain Gender in health sciences, Gender in social sciences Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders