
Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 81 - 100 of 198
Created by Post date Title
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-23 Advancing RTD through Gender-Fair Recruitment and Retention Strategies
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-22 Nobel Prize for a “Computer” named Henrietta Leavitt (1868–1921)
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-21 Gender inequality in awarded research grants
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-16 Attrition of Women in the Biological Sciences: Workload, Motherhood, and Other Explanation...
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-16 Gender differences in research collaboration
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-15 Compendium of national initiatives on the integration of the gender dimension in research...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2015-Dec-14 UNDP (2009) Resource Guide on Gender and Climate Change
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-14 “Ending Violence Against Women”, Population Reports, Series L. No. 11
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-14 UNICEF (2014) A Post-2015 World Fit for Children
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-14 Strengthening Gender Justice. Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Goals and th...
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-14 Training Manual Facilitator’s Guide: Multi-sectoral and Interagency Prevention and Respons...
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-10 Social, behavioral, and biological factors, and sex differences in mortality.
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2015-Dec-10 Integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: A Health Sector Priority
lauralorenz 2015-Dec-01 The Global Gender Gap Report 2015
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-26 Nobel Prize winners: How many women have won awards?
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-26 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemis...
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-24 Plans and initiatives in selected research institutions aiming to stimulate gender equalit...
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-19 National plans and initiatives promoting gender equality and structural change
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-17 Report. Online Discussion on Integrating Gender Equality in Universities and Research Inst...
KristinKal 2015-Nov-16 CERN Post Career Break Fellowship