GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Institutional practices and processes

Author Post date Title
Anke@GESIS 2016-Apr-20 INTEGER Toolbox
Arn Sauer
2016-Apr-8 Arn Sauer on Gender Mainstreaming in Research Organizations
Henrietta Dale 2016-Mar-30 GENDER EQUITY: Stengthening the Physics Enterprise in Universities and Laboratories
2016-Mar-10 INTEGER Online Guidelines
arroyo_lidia 2016-Mar-8 Prof. Dr. Gloria Bonder on Gender in Science in Latin America
arroyo_lidia 2016-Feb-26 Policy Setting and Implementation - GenPORT Research Synthesis 5
Nina Steinweg
2016-Feb-25 CEWSwiki
Henrietta Dale 2016-Feb-19 Solving the Equation: The Variables for Women’s Success in Engineering and Computing
Henrietta Dale 2016-Feb-19 Strategies for Effecting Gender Equity and Institutional Change (StratEGIC Toolkit)
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 G.I.R.R.L. Project video
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Meeting Climate Challenges in the US & Beyond: Building On Women’s Leadership, webinar talk
Author Post date Title
2016-Mar-24 informatica feminale
arroyo_lidia 2016-Mar-16 IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
Henrietta Dale 2016-Mar-16 GenPORT Launch
2016-Mar-5 FESTA-GARCIA joint final conference
Nina Steinweg
2016-Feb-25 CEWSwiki Fachgespräch
Andrea Bossmann 2016-Feb-24 4th Women's Careers and Networks Symposium
2016-Feb-19 Klima braucht Wandel. Potenziale der Genderforschung nutzen(Climate needs change: maximizing the potential of gender studies)
Author Post date Title
glorbond 2016-Mar-3 Área de Género, Sociedad y Políticas (FLACSO-Argentina)
2016-Feb-17 European Sustainability Academy