Science academies

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Users related with the taxonomy term STAKEHOLDER GROUP

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
s.heidari's picture s.heidari Medical and health sciences, Basic medicine Switzerland Gender, Gender in basic medicine Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Paola De Castro's picture Paola De Castro Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Italy Gender Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
bbiglia Social sciences, Psychology Spain Science stakeholders, Science academies
Dorothy Ngila's picture Dorothy Ngila Social sciences, Sociology South Africa Gender in education Science stakeholders, Science academies
mavrikiou Natural sciences, Mathematics Cyprus Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
edabeyazit Social sciences, Other social sciences Turkey Gender in transport planning, Gender in urban planning and development Science stakeholders, Science academies
luisa.devita Social sciences, Economics and business Italy Gender in business and management Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Galma Akdeniz's picture Galma Akdeniz Social sciences, Sociology Turkey Gender in law, criminology and penology Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
orenlederman's picture orenlederman Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering USA United States of America Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Els Natural sciences, Physical sciences Netherlands Science stakeholders, Science academies