Gender in Research Grants Process

Today we will be discussing:

  • measures to achieve sufficient gender balance among applicants for research grants, and among grant evaluation panels
  • measures to ensure that women and men have the same success rates and receive the same average grant amount, taking into account the nature of the research and the type of grant


Henrietta Dale's picture

Dear All

Thank you again for a gerat discussion. It has been a great exchange and very insightful for us. The threads will remain open until tonight so please do add anything that you haven't had  chance to or feel free continue here. We will be producing a short summary of each of our talks and I will ciruclate it to the group via the comments.

Again, our thanks for participating! 

Rachel Palmén's picture

The GenPORT policy brief series is geared to national level policy makers and institutional science leaders in research performing organisations (RPOs) and research funding organisations (RFOs). It consists of twenty-five policy briefs. 

Twenty of these policy briefs are grouped around five themes:  1) Recruitment and Promotion, 2) Gender Equality Plans, 3) Gender Dimension in Research Content in Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), 4) Gender Dimension in Research Content in Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and 5) Gender Balance in Decision-Making. Given the variety of policy agendas and implementation levels across European countries, each topic is furthermore subdivided into four briefs, targeting these different national policy levels.  


Furthermore, five individual policy briefs focus on: 1) tackling sexual harassment, 2) intersectionality, 3) securing top-level support for gender equality, 4) building gender competence and knowledge and 5) statistics and methodology. These five policy briefs are not targeted at a specific country group. 


The first four looking at  recruitment and promotion (Where to Start? How to Consolidate? How to Lead? and How to Innovate?)  will be available online from the 15th of July on GenPORT. 

Lotta's picture

Thank you all for a thought provoking and interesting conversation. Have a nice weekend and summer.

Dorothy Ngila's picture

Thank you all for an incredible conversation. Aluta continua!

elenamartines's picture

Thanks all for the very interesting exchange. Have a lovely summer!

glorbond's picture

Thank you for inviting me to participate in a very rich and inspiring conversation . I hope there will be other opportunities to exchange interesting ideas and information
To end I want to share with you the following idea / proposal? . After advising policy makers in S&T in Latin America, and evaluating results of some initiatives , I became more and more convinced that there is a need, at least in Latin America,to know more about the institutional cultures of research organizations ( their complexity and dynamics) and in particular how different actors ( both men and women) perceived, ignored, interpret, resist , accept, value, measures whose aim is to promote changes at all levels,( institutional cultures, research criteria and evaluation standards, interpersonal relations , power relations, etc) . Such information I think can help to plan more efficient, supported and sustainable measures. I would very much like to know what you think about this idea and if you know research and/or policy making practises based in that kind of research.

Active Threads:


8 years 1 month ago
Posted by: Henrietta Dale
Today we will be discussing:measures to achieve sufficient gender balance among applicants for research grants, and among grant evaluation panelsmeasures to ensure that women and men have the same success rates and receive the same average grant amount, taking into account the nature of the research and the type of grant
Comments: 56


8 years 1 month ago
Posted by: Henrietta Dale
Today, 7th July: Gender dimension in Research Content, 2:00 - 4:00pm (Brussels time)measures to ensure that applicants consider the role of sex-gender factors in research contentmeasures to promote systematic analysis of gender dimension in research content, process and outcomesmeasures to develop evidence showing strategic benefits of gender sensitive and responsive research 
Comments: 60

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