GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Disciplinary and organizational cultures

For example: male department cultures

Author Post date Title
Sergi Yanes
2020-Nov-25 Building Gender Equity in the Academy
Maria Jose Romano 2020-Sep-2 Opinion: In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity
2020-Jul-28 Gender Equality and Structural Change in Research and Academia in Germany – CHANGE and SPEAR join forces
2020-Jul-16 A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?
Martina Erlemann 2019-Sep-27 Lesson Plan Series: Reflections on Gender & Physics
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Mar-6 ACT Modular Questionnaire Framework
2018-Oct-9 Gender balance in the scientific production of the Atapuerca archaeological and palaeontological research project
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity Index - how inclusive is your team?
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity - Implications for Research Funding Organizations
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-5 What your PI forgot to tell you: why you actually might want a job running a research lab
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-27 Succeeding as Engineering Majors: Cultural Ecology Theory and Perceptions of Within-Race Gender and Ethnicity Differences in Engineering Skills and Work Ethnic
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-3 Women, Peace and Inclusive Societies
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 The Effect of an Intervention to Break the Gender Bias Habit for Faculty at One Institution: A Cluster Randomized, Controlled Trial
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Apr-21 The Gender Gap in Advanced Math and Science Course Taking: Does Same-Sex Education Make A Difference?
Author Post date Title
Ziyoda Kurbanova
2020-May-22 Webinar: Masked Heroines? Building Resilience Begins with a Gender-Equitable Health Workforce
Monicam 2019-Apr-1 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women
arroyo_lidia 2018-Jun-4 GEDII e-discussion on Measuring Research Performance from a Gender Perspective
gigi guizzo 2017-Jul-14 #USVreact Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Universities - European Findings Conference in London
Author Post date Title
SeGReVUni 2020-Apr-24 SeGReVUni. Make visible and dimension the sexual and gender violences in universities
2019-Jul-15 SPEAR Project