gender equality officers

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 22
Created by Post date Title
Anke@GESIS's picture Anke@GESIS 2021-Apr-07 GEECCO Infographic ‘SMART Gender Equality Objectives’
Baltic Gender 2018-Jun-26 National Legislations on Gender Equality with a Focus on the Implementation of Gender Equa...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-08 Supporting women’s mentoring in higher education: a literature review 2010
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-08 Equitable Solutions for Retaining a Robust STEM Workforce. Beyond Best Practices
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-22 Supporting women in clinical academia
hulyacaglayan's picture hulyacaglayan 2016-Dec-08 Handbook on Resistance to Gender Equality in Academia
shedtke 2016-Oct-18 Curriculum Portfolio GenderStrat
lauralorenz 2016-Apr-14 GenPORT – Analysis of Policy Environments (D4.1). Full Version Including Country Fiches
Arn Sauer's picture Arn Sauer 2016-Apr-08 Arn Sauer on Gender Mainstreaming in Research Organizations
joerg's picture joerg 2016-Mar-10 INTEGER Online Guidelines
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2016-Feb-26 Policy Setting and Implementation - GenPORT Research Synthesis 5
Mieke Verloo 2016-Feb-04 Multiple Inequalities, Intersectionality and the European Union
joerg's picture joerg 2016-Jan-29 New Categories Are Not Enough Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surve...
Laura Getz 2016-Jan-27 GenPORT - Analysis of Policy Environments Report - Abbreviated Version
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-25 Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-12 Best Practice-Club „Familie in der Hochschule“
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-07 Familienfreundlichkeit in der Praxis: Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt „Effektiv! – Für mehr Fam...