Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 81 - 100 of 109
Created by Post date Title
joerg's picture joerg 2015-May-04 Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia (FESTA)
joerg's picture joerg 2015-May-04 Promoting positive images of SET in young people
joerg's picture joerg 2015-May-04 Practising Gender Equality in Science
joerg's picture joerg 2015-May-04 TRansforming Institutions by Gendering contents and Gaining Equality in Research
joerg's picture joerg 2015-Apr-24 Science in a Different Voice
joerg's picture joerg 2015-Apr-15 Understanding institutional change: a gender perspective
joerg's picture joerg 2015-Apr-14 Meta-analysis of gender and science research
joerg's picture joerg 2015-Apr-14 Women’s careers hitting the target: gender management in scientific and technological rese...
inekeklinge 2015-Apr-09 European Gender Medicine (EUGenMed)
Stefano Kegljevic 2015-Feb-18 Gendering the Academy and Research: combating Career Instability and Asymmetries (GARCIA...
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Nov-26 Encouragement to Advance - Training Seminars for Women Scientists (ENCOUWOMSCI)
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Nov-26 Towards Women in Science and Technology
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Nov-26 Gender in EU-funded Research - Toolkit and Training
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-16 Women in Construction Scientific Research
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-16 Survey of the University Career of Female Scientists at Life Sciences versus Technical Uni...
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2014-Oct-16 Gender Awareness Participation Process: Differences in the choices of science careers - GA...
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-07 Understanding Puzzels in the Gendered European Map: Brain Drain in Physics through the Cul...
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-07 Higher Education Leading to Engineering and Scientific Careers
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-07 Gender Budgeting as an Instrument for Managing Scientific Organisations
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Oct-07 Transforming Organisational Culture for Gender Equality in Research and Innovation