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About (English version): 

This online handbook aims to present a deeper understanding of resistance to structural change to gender equality in academic institutions and the ways of dealing with it.

It is concerned with forms, directions, and aspects of resistance coming from men and women as well as the organizations, and the ways resistance operates (FESTA, 2012). For the purposes of the handbook, all resistance incidents encountered by the partner institutions during the course of FESTA project have been recorded and analyzed. We have agreed to include here 31 of these narratives summarizing what has worked well and what barriers have been experienced along the process of change towards gender equality in the member institutions of FESTA. We have also composed a list of recommendations for dealing with a variety of possible resistance incidents along the process of change. The references section is expected to be useful to the reader interested in further reading in the area.

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Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
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About (English version): 

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. They transform public areas into an arena for public learning and scientific debate; they follow the format of London Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, which is historically an arena for public debate. With Soapbox Science, initiators want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy, learn from, heckle, question, probe, interact with and be inspired by some of our leading scientists.

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About (English version): 

Across the globe, women in science face discrimination, unequal pay, and reduced opportunities. As women scientists, we are in the position to take action to increase diversity in science and other disciplines. We resolve to continue our pursuits with renewed passion and to find innovative solutions to the problems we face in the U.S. and abroad. Together, we pledge to:

  • Identify and acknowledge structural inequalities and biases that affect the potential of all individuals to fulfill their goals;
  • Push for equality and stand up to inequality, discrimination, and aggression;
  • Push to strengthen the support for traditionally under-represented groups to fully participate in and become leaders in science;
  • Support the education and careers of all scientists;
  • Step outside of our research disciplines to communicate our science and engage with the public;
  • Use every day as an opportunity to demonstrate to young girls and women that they are welcome and needed in science;
  • Set examples through mentorship and through fostering an atmosphere of encouragement and collaboration, not one of divisiveness;
  • Use the language of science to bridge the divides that separate societies and to enhance global diplomacy.

Today, we invite the women in science and our colleagues to declare our support to each other and to all minorities, immigrants, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA. Our scientific work may be global, yet we will take action in our own communities and we will work towards an inclusive society, where science and knowledge can be embraced and everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential.


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About (English version): 

How Hadiza Mohammed, a working Engineer currently undertaking her Msc in Advanced Environmental and Energy studies, and author of Women Rock Science page writes, it is about telling the stories of women and girls in science.

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Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
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