Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)

About (English version): 

Women in Research Blog is a blog for and about women in science to increase their visibility. It is a project of the facebook platform Women in Research initiated by Ulrike Boehm and it is supported by the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. The blog asks various women scientist across the nations and disciplines 10 questions about their role models, career paths and scientific work.

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About (English version): 

LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux and for anyone who wants to support women in computing. It is an international group of Free Software users and developers, founded in 1999 with the aim of supporting women in Linux. LinuxChix has been continually active since 1999, and its mailing lists have attracted over one thousand members worldwide. 



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About (English version): 

The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science initiative began in 1998. Since that inaugural year, the L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) have strived to support and recognize accomplished women researchers, to encourage more young women to enter the profession and to assist them once their careers are in progress.

According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2014), women account for only 30% of the world’s researchers.There are still great barriers that discourage women from entering the profession and obstacles continue to block progress for those already in the field. For this reason, in addition to its annual Awards, the L’Oréal-UNESCO partnership has established the International Rising Talents program, which is designed to accelerate the advancement of young women in science globally. The International Rising Talents are chosen from among the doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who have received fellowships from L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science’s national and regional programs.


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About (English version): 

Megan Lee is an american artist who does "science art" what means creating the digital artwork relating to science, reading. Her art aims to inspire science awareness and help others celebrate the joys of learning, reading, and showing off "geek pride". One of her collection pays tribute to Women in Science. She honors the women scientists who have made incredible discoveries and contributions over the years. She has created unique and minimalist designs to represent many of women scientists. She shows how to use art to inspire science awareness and on the other hand how to promote the (women) scientist in creative and effective way. 

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