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About (English version): 

In December 2007 the DFG’s Executive Committee established a commission of experts to develop research-oriented standards on gender equality. The proposed standards were discussed by the DFG’s General Assembly on 2 July 2008, where the majority of the member institutions spoke in favour of the draft, voluntarily committing themselves to implementing the standards. The DFG provides advice and support to the member institutions.

15 February 2011 will mark a milestone in the implementation of research-orientated standards on gender equality. On this date, the members of the DFG will submit their interim reports illustrating the ways in which they are offering the men and women at their institutions equal opportunities. To allow members to discuss their experiences in implementing the standards before submitting their reports, DFG Vice President Professor Ferdi Schüth invited members to an information event on 27 October 2010 organised by the “Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality” working group.

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About (English version): 

Gender Campus is a pioneer project of the Swiss academic environment, and as an information, communication and networking platform covers all of Switzerland. Since 2003 this has been a virtual forum for the national and international exchange and interaction across institutions and universities for anyone interested in gender studies and equal opportunity issues in colleges and universities.

The project Gender Campus was initiated in 2001 by representatives of universities and advanced technical colleges, and since the very beginnings in 2001 has been based at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Women and Gender Studies of the University of Berne.

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About (English version): 

The INKA database presents examples illustrating the possible breadth of equal opportunity measures in science and research. It gives research institutions the opportunity to gain ideas and inspiration for the design of their equal opportunity objectives or policies. The examples provided are selected in a quality-assured process to ensure that they are of high quality and thematically varied. The INKA database is maintained by CEWS at GESIS.

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About (original language): 

Nettstedet kifinfo.no er en ressursbank for deg som jobber med, eller er opptatt av å fremme likestillings- og mangfoldsarbeid i forskningssektoren.

Vi lager nyhetssaker som presenteres på framsiden og i magasinet, og formidler publikasjoner og nyheter under oppslagstavla og mediespeil. På nettsiden har vi også samlet nyttige lenker, relevant litteratur og statistikk for deg som ønsker mer informasjon om temaet. I tillegg har vi laget en katalog over ulike virkemidler som brukes for å fremme likestilling og mangfold, funnet fram eksempler på virkemidler som har vist seg som særlig vellykkede, og gått i dybden på noen av dem for å gi innspill til deg som jobber konkret for å fremme likestilling og mangfold ved en institusjon.

Nettstedet ble lansert på nett i mai 2005, og drives av KILDEN Informasjonssenter for kjønnsforskning på oppdrag fra Komité for kjønnsbalanse og mangfold i forskning (Kif).

Nettstedet oppdateres kontinuerlig. Kristin Aukland har ansvar for dette arbeidet hos KILDEN.

About (English version): 

This is one of the world's leading websites on science and gender. It is an online information source for people who work to improve gender balance in the research sector, and for anyone else interested in the issue of gender equality in science. It includes resources, statistics, literature and networks. It has links to other Norwegian organisations working in this field, and to their websites.

The website kifinfo is a resource for those who work for an improved gender balance in the research sector, and those who are interested in issues on gender equality in science.

Gathered here are useful links, relevant literature and statistics on women and gender equality in science. We have also put together a catalogue of different measures to improve the gender balance, with examples of measures that have proved to be especially successful. Some of these are discussed in depth, as inspiration for those who work for gender equality and diversity in Norwegian research institutions.

Kifinfo is primarily a collection of Norwegian resources, but we also point to relevant resources outside Norway.

The website is developed by KILDEN Information Centre for Gender Research in Norway, on assignment for Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research. The Committee’s mandate is to support and give recommendations on measures that contribute to mainstreaming of gender equality and diversity work in the institutions in the university and college sector and in the research institute sector, and thus promote gender equality and diversity.

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Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Norwegian Nynorsk
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