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About (English version): 

Ten years ago the European Commission started its activities on "women in science". This Report records this ten-year history, analyses the activities undertaken, provides an assessment of their effectiveness and appropriateness, and - whenever possible - includes a reflection on what did not work, what was not done, and how these omissions could be addressed. The authors believe that this report - a stocktaking of 10 years of activities on "women in science" - will help the European Commission to make decisions on future policy because of the perspective provided by the process of "taking stock". And this report should also help future proposal presenters, providing them with the background to the topic, and the details of previously funded projects, thereby placing the Framework Programme calls into a policy development context

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About (English version): 

Opinion polls suggest that women are less interested in innovation than men. The explanation surely lies elsewhere: do today's innovations really respond adequately to women's needs and expectations? In too many cases they do not. Thirty years of research have revealed that sex and gender bias is socially harmful and expensive. Gender bias also leads to missed market opportunities. Gendered innovations offer sophisticated methods of sex and gender analysis to scientists and engineers. This publication includes case studies as concrete illustrations of how sex and gender analysis lead to new ideas and excellence in research in several fields such as health & medicine, environment & climate change, food & nutrition, transport and technological development.

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This Eurobarometer Survey seeks to measure Europeans' perceptions of gender inequalities within their own country: how widespread inequalities between women and men are, and whether the situation has improved or worsened compared with ten years ago; whether men or women are more likely to experience such discrimination among particular groups of people (young, old, people with disabilities, migrants, single parents, and working parents with young children); and the areas of life (e.g. work, school, media, politics) where gender stereotypes are deemed to be most prevalent. It also examines Europeans’ general attitudes towards gender equality and, more specifically, the role of women in the workplace and the role of men at home.

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About (English version): 

This publication draws a comprehensive picture of the Science, Technology and Innovation activities in the European Union as carried out by its people, enterprises and governments. It provides the reader with statistical information to appreciate the evolution and composition of science and technology in Europe and its position with regard to its partners. The pocketbook is divided into seven chapters among which: Government budget appropriations or outlays on Research and Development (GBAORD), R&D Expenditure, R&D Personnel, Human Resources in Science and Technology, Innovation, Patents, High-technology.

Public identifier: 
DOI: 10.2785/35613
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