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Call for applications - Peer Reviewers for Gender Equality Plans

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About (English version): 

In partnership with the Fearless Collective, AWID is excited to share this toolkit that helps to articulate feminist futures, map existing solutions and narratives that make them irresistible. This toolkit can be for both individual and collective use and includes maps as facilitation tools, cue cards, worksheets, discussion guides and a whole range of exciting resources.

Download the Fearless Futures Toolkit

Written in 3 distinct voices - an artist, a facilitator and movement elders who have come before us:

This resource encourages activists and organizers to suspend beliefs that no longer serve us and our movements, release our fears, and imagine thriving communities and villages of love, justice and democracy.

The elements developed in this toolkit help to shift our ideas and actions into the future. Together with the Fearless Collective we hope that this toolkit will set a foundation for surfacing and envisioning Feminist Futures that will become, not just for some, but all our realities. We invite you to explore, use, and enjoy this cartography.

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About (English version): 

The report is part of EIGE's work on the economic benefits of gender equality in the European Union (EU). The aim of this study was to assess the wider socio-economic impacts of narrowing gender gaps as a result of the implementation of measures to improve gender equality in Europe.

The report contains the research to inform the modelling approach, describes the modelling approach and scenarios and presents the detailed results and conclusions of the study.

It also contains the detailed scenario inputs, the E3ME model description, the displacement effects and the methodological report on testing the model.

This study is unique in the EU context, because it uses a robust econometric model to estimate socio-economic outcomes of improving gender equality in several broad areas including education, labour market participation, wages and work-life balance.

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About (English version): 

The NEWS project targeted three groups of women scientists, namely migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities, and aimed to:

1. develop a state of the art network on ethnicity and women scientists in connection with existing national and international similar networks
2. promote a public debate at the national and European levels on the issue of gender and ethnic diversity in science.

National reports were produced by the participating members and integrated into a comparative European synthesis report that provided an analysis of the level of education and position of immigrants and their descendants in the labour market. The project research hypothesis was that the invisibility of women scientists from ethnic minorities, along with the possible existence of gender and ethnic discrimination in science, had negative effects on science development due to loss of talents, competence and knowledge. As a consequence, the obtained results raised significant questions regarding the European research area (ERA).

Firstly, the lack of reliable statistics containing long term data was highlighted. In general, the accessibility of minorities to tertiary education gradually improved during the past decades; nevertheless, their representation in the academic population remained low in comparison to the countries' ethnic majorities. Moreover, minorities usually held more unstable working positions, were less likely to be on fixed term contracts and were usually part-time personnel. The recruitment practices that were observed demonstrated more or less transparent rules. However, there was significant scope for informal decisions in recruitment and appointment. The sense of public accountability was relatively weak, while in most cases no concrete policies relating to migrant and minority staff recruitment existed, even though some initiatives towards such procedures were already undertaken in some cases. On the other hand, networking activities were observed between women scientists; however none of them was grounded on ethnicity.

The European synthesis report that was produced as part of NEXT provided recommendations based on the project findings. Firstly, it highlighted the need for improved integration of the gender and ethnic dimensions in higher education. Secondly, it proposed measures concerning the field of statistics, research, educational and employment policies and networking. Finally, it suggested the adoption and effective implementation of numerous guidelines by national and international authorities, which could to be combined with a raising awareness campaign, a monitoring scheme and an evaluation process. These observations were also disseminated via the organisation of an international workshop and resulted in the production of the final NEWS policy paper. Finally, a project website containing useful information was developed.

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