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Equit@t Award on promotion of gender equality in ICT 

Desde los Estudios de Informática, Multimedia y Telecomunicación y la Unidad de Igualdad de la Universitat Obertat de Catalunya (UOC) trabajamos para fomentar la participación de las mujeres en el ámbito tecnológico de las TIC y conseguir una mayor presencia tanto en el mundo académico como profesional. El ambicioso objetivo final es llegar a la equidad de género en el sector TIC; y por ello, desde nuestra universidad llevamos a cabo diversas acciones para acercar las TIC a la sociedad en general y en la educación en particular.

Este año convocamos la tercera edición del Premi equit@T con la intención de promocionar la equidad de género en las TIC, en el ámbito geográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica.

En un ámbito de conocimiento en que la presencia femenina es aún minoritaria y donde a menudo queda difuminada, esta distinción pretende premiar iniciativas que tengan la finalidad de generar actividades y mostrar buenas prácticas para ayudar a construir el equilibrio de género en los estudios y en las profesiones TIC. En concreto, se premiarán:

♦ Iniciativas de éxito que logren fomentar y estimular el interés de las mujeres hacia la formación relacionada con las TIC y el posterior desarrollo profesional.

♦ Acciones y programas, tanto de instituciones como de personas físicas, para promover la participación y la promoción de las mujeres en las carreras académicas y profesionales relacionadas con las TIC.

♦ Contribuciones significativas a la difusión y el aumento de la influencia de las mujeres en las TIC.

El premio que se otorgará consistirá en un premio único de 3.000 euros y un programa de posgrado a elegir entre la oferta formativa de los Estudios de Informática, Multimedia y Telecomunicación de la UOC y que disfrutará una persona designada por la candidatura ganadora y que cumpla los requisitos establecidos en las bases.




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About (English version): 

Maria Caprile (coord.), Elisabetta Addis, Cecilia Castaño, Ineke Klinge, Marina Larios, Danièle Meulders, Maria Palasik

This is one of the thematic reports of the study Meta-analysis of gender and science research , a project of the 7th RTD Framework Programme of the European Union (RTD-PP-L4-2007-1), commissioned by DG Research to the consortium led by CIREM (Spain) and made up of Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Inova Consultancy Ltd. (United Kingdom), Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy), Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) and Politikatörténeti Intézet KHT (Hungary) . The study was carried out between 2008 and 2010. The purpose of the study was to collect and analyse research on horizontal and vertical gender segregation in research careers, as well as the underlying causes and effects of these two processes. The objectives of the study were to:

ƒ Provide an exhaustive overview and analysis of re search on gender and science carried out at the European, national, and regional levels.

ƒSteer policy-making on gender and science and define future research priorities within the Framework Programme, in particular through good practice examples and gap analysis in the various research topics. For the purposes of the study, ‘scienc e’ was understood in its broadest meaning, including social sciences and humanities as well as research and technological development. The study covered the research on gender and science produced between 1980 and 2008, in all European languages, in 33 countries: the 27 EU Member States as well as 6 Asso ciated Countries to the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) (Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Norway,Switzerland, and Turkey).

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About (English version): 

The present document constitutes a specific mapping of how gender is addressed in the current STEM curricula in 14 EU countries. It is based on the analysis of the official 9th grade curricula for physics and biology for the 14 countries, and informed by official guidelines for teachers and head teachers as well as EU publications and research reports. Bearing in mind that the present report has several important limitations related to the collection and analysis of these documents, its three main findings are the following:

First, two dominant discourses are identified in the science curricula of the 14 countries: An abstract discourse, based on the internal logic of the discipline, and a socio-scientific discourse, based on the human and societal applications of the discipline. Across countries, the abstract, discipline-based discourse is most strongly present in the physics curricula, while the socio-scientific discourse is more present in the biology curricula. Nonetheless, the majority of countries employ the abstract, discipline-based discourse in their curricula. This has implications for the gender-inclusiveness of those disciplines.

Second, there seem to be few official guidelines available for teachers on the gender-inclusive teaching of science. The majority of the documents that do exist take a postmodern feminist approach to science education, or to education more broadly. In other words, the majority of teacher guidelines implicitly or explicitly consider the differences in between science learners of the same sex to be as important as the differences between the two sexes, and make corresponding recommendations for teaching practices. While this in itself is encouraging for the status of gender-inclusive science education in Europe, the scarcity of such documents seems discouraging.

Third, guidelines for gender-inclusion in out-of-school science education seem almost non-existent; from the 14 EU countries, just one document was found.

Taken together, the gender-polarised nature of the dominant discourses of many European science curricula and the relative scarcity of guidelines for teachers and other educators on how to conduct gender-inclusive teaching seems to indicate that there is work yet to be done to make science education gender inclusive across Europe. However, the findings presented in the present report may be subject to change over time, as Hypatia’s knowledge-sharing network becomes better.

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About (English version): 

Strategic plan on science and innovation with specific gender equality measures

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