GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Decision making

Refers to participation in committee's like appointment committees or review panels, not necessarily tied to leadership positions and vertical segregation.

Author Post date Title
2015-Apr-27 Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change
2015-Feb-20 Beyond the Glass Ceiling
Rachel Palmén 2015-Jan-21 Gender balance in senior positions and research management (BALANSE)
2014-Nov-30 Vědci a vědkyně v pohybu: o akademické mobilitě
2014-Nov-30 Academic duets: On the professional and private life in science
2014-Nov-30 Akademické duety: rozhovory o profesním a soukromém životě ve vědě
2014-Nov-30 Dámský gambit: zahájení vědecké dráhy
2014-Nov-30 Vlastní pokoj: 10 pohledů
2014-Nov-30 Reclaiming a political voice: Women and Science in Central Europe
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Apr-13 Sex differences in attainment of independent funding by career development awardees.
Rachel Palmén 2014-Mar-31 Informe Mujeres Investigadoras 2013
Henrietta Dale 2014-Mar-25 Early Academic Career Pathways in STEM: Do Gender and Family Status Matter?
Juliet Webster 2014-Mar-24 House of Commons - Women in scientific careers - Science and Technology Committee
Juliet Webster 2014-Mar-17 Women Active in the ICT Sector
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Mar-5 If women hold up half the sky, how much of the world’s food do they produce?
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-28 House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee. Women in the Workplace. First Report of Session 2013–14
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-28 Women in decision-making: The role of the new media for increased political participation
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-25 The Impact of Gender on the Review of the Curricula Vitae of Job Applicants and Tenure Candidates: A National Empirical Study
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Apr-14 Gender- und Diversity-Management in der Forschung
Henrietta Dale 2014-Apr-16 Connected Advocate Webinar: Tracking Trends in Gender & STEM Publications hosted by @WEPAN