GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

academic careers

Blog posts
Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-21 10 Recommended Resources for Gender Equality in Academic and Science Careers
Author Post date Title
2016-Jan-15 Role Models of MCAA women mobile scientists
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-28 Housework Is an Academic Issue. How to keep talented women scientists in the lab, where they belong
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-24 Academic and Science Careers GenPORT Research Synthesis 2
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-21 The Contradiction of the Myth of Individual Merit, and the Reality of a Patriarchal Support System in Academic Careers
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-7 The GARCIA project gendering the academy and research
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-5 Gender contributes to personal research funding success in The Netherlands
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-4 Doing Science, Forgoing Childbearing? Evidence from a Sample of Female Scientists in Austria
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-4 Contextualizing women's academic careers: Comparative perspectives on gender, care and employment regimes in seven European countries
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-3 The Leaky Pipeline in the Swiss University System
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-21 Gender and Science at TU Delft
Laura Getz 2015-Oct-12 Best Practice-Club „Familie in der Hochschule“
2015-Aug-4 Women in Academic Science: A Changing Landscape
Henrietta Dale 2015-Jul-16 Does it matter that there aren't more women in science?
2015-Jul-2 Mathias Wullum Nielsen: New and persistent gender equality challenges in academia
2015-Apr-14 WHIST Guidelines on Gender Diversity in S&T Organisations
2015-Mar-25 Paths to Career and Success for Women in Science. Findings from International Research
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Jun-25 Connect-Fachtagung in Berlin: Voneinander Lernen! Für eine familienfreundlichere Wissenschaft
Author Post date Title
2015-May-4 Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia (FESTA)
2015-Apr-14 Women’s careers hitting the target: gender management in scientific and technological research (WHIST)