
Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 41 - 60 of 131

Users related with the taxonomy term SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
Laura Getz Social sciences, Sociology
kamila_k_benova's picture kamila_k_benova Social sciences, Humanities Slovakia Gender history, Gender in social sciences
Anke@GESIS's picture Anke@GESIS Social sciences, Sociology Germany Gender in political sciences Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
shedtke Humanities, Philosophy, ethics and religion Germany
gigi guizzo's picture gigi guizzo Social sciences, Humanities Spain Gender in arts Gender equality stakeholders
caricaro's picture caricaro Social sciences, Humanities Germany
Jovana MT's picture Jovana MT Social sciences, Political Science Slovenia Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
hulyacaglayan's picture hulyacaglayan Social sciences, Other social sciences Turkey Gender, Gender in education Gender equality stakeholders, Gender networks (women’s, men's, sexuality,...)
AGESEX-UNR Social sciences, Humanities Argentina Gender, Gender in education
Marion Lesur's picture Marion Lesur Social sciences, Humanities France Gender equality stakeholders