
Content related with this taxonomy term:

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Ana Valenzuela 2017-Dec-13 Working Group Taxonomy of the violence against women

Users related with the taxonomy term COUNTRY

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
Nina Baumeister Social sciences, Sociology Belgium Innovation and diversity (e.g. gender) Policy stakeholders
Ecsite Belgium
Agostina_Allori's picture Agostina_Allori Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Belgium Gender, Gender in education Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
Mihaela's picture Mihaela Social sciences, Social and economic geography Belgium Policy stakeholders
landries Social sciences, Humanities Belgium
Ana Valenzuela Natural sciences, Agricultural and environmental sciences Belgium Gender in biodiversity conservation, Gender in biology Science stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
Annak Belgium
Camille_BrusselsNCP's picture Camille_BrusselsNCP Natural sciences, Earth and related environmental sciences Belgium Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
EuraxessULg's picture EuraxessULg Social sciences Belgium Gender in social sciences, Innovation and diversity (e.g. gender) Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
lcapitai Belgium Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders