GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
Rachel Palmén 2016-Jun-15 Women in Data Cutting-Edge Practitioners and Their Views on Critical Skills, Background, and Education
Henrietta Dale 2016-Jun-13 To Advance Science, It's Time to Tackle Unconscious Bias -Op-Ed-
Henrietta Dale 2016-Jun-2 Sex Differences in Institutional Support for Junior Biomedical Researchers
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jun-1 Work group diversity
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jun-1 National Institutes of Health addresses the science of diversity
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jun-1 Innovative Potential: Men and Women in Teams
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jun-1 A Multi-Level Conceptualization of Empathy to Explain How Diversity Increases Group Performance
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 The Gender System and Interaction
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 Framed by Gender: How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 Gender as a Group Process: Implications for the Persistence of Inequality
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 Does a different view create something new? The effect of employee diversity on innovation
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 For Slow Scholarship: A Feminist Politics of Resistance through Collective Action in the Neoliberal University
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 Men and women of the corporation
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-31 Homophily and Differential Returns: Sex Differences in Network Structure and Access in an Advertising Firm
Jeff Hearn
2016-May-18 What is gender?
arroyo_lidia 2016-May-18 Understanding Gender: Some Implications for Science and Technology
Author Post date Title
Henrietta Dale 2016-Jun-6 Videocast: Conference on Evidence-Based Innovations to Support Women in Biomedical Research Careers
Henrietta Dale 2016-May-17 Gender Summit 9 Europe: Gender-based research, innovation and development for sustainable economies and societal wellbeing
gigi guizzo 2016-May-12 Conference: Stopping Gender-Based Violence - Companies for Social Change
Author Post date Title
Julia Schneider 2016-May-18 Stifterverband