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About (original language): 

El Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Feministas y de Género de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, que depende del Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, ofrece las enseñanzas de nivel superior de formación académica que imparte la Universidad. Este programa implementa el periodo de investigación de la formación de posgrado, que conduce a la obtención del título de Doctor o Doctora en Estudios Feministas y de Género, que requieren del/la doctorando/a una especialización en la investigación para la elaboración de un trabajo de investigación original de calidad: la Tesis Doctoral.

La Universidad Complutense ha sido pionera en España en el área de los Estudios de Género, sobre todo a partir de la creación de una de las primeras instituciones académicas del país: el Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, impulsado por profesorado interfacultativo hace dos décadas.

About (English version): 

PhD Program in Gender and Feminist Studies at Complutense University of Madrid aims to provide relevant courses for the next level of academic education offered by the university, implementing the research period of postgraduate education leading to the award of the title of Doctor of Gender and Feminist Studies at Complutense University of Madrid, which require the PhD student gain a specialization in the research process conducive to the development of an original research work quality: the thesis.

In this project, The Institute of Feminist Studies has been designated as the most appropriate to be the coordinating body of the PhD program, because the studies are highly interdisciplinary, which exceeds any initiative can be developed in any particular faculty or department of our University. The Institute has a long tradition in the development of three fundamental activities: research, teaching and transfer to society. At present, the Council has a membership of more than fifty teachers who teach and develop gender research in almost all of the university centers along with more than twenty other institutions belonging to the state, and actively participating development project in the research and dissemination of Gender Studies (See http://www.instifem.org/).

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About (original language): 

La presente propuesta de doctorado en Estudios Interdisciplinares de Género constituye, por un lado, una apuesta absolutamente novedosa en el panorama universitario español, y por otro, una necesidad derivada de una demanda formativa largamente experimentada. Es novedosa porque carece de precedentes en la universidad española y, por otro lado, satisface también, una demanda formativa ya largamente avalada por la reconocida trayectoria investigadora y docente de los Institutos, Seminarios y grupos de investigación que la sostienen, aunque carente hasta este momento de un espacio disciplinar propio. La investigación más reciente ha demostrado cómo en muchos campos del conocimiento científico, desde las humanidades hasta la medicina, pasando por las ciencias sociales y la ingeniería, las variables de sexo y género son insuficientemente consideradas. La ciencia, como cualquier otro campo de la actividad humana no está libre de los condicionantes culturales y sociales de su tiempo. Los estereotipos de género, y la menor valoración social de que son objeto las mujeres se trasladan a menudo a una consideración estereotipada y menor de sus realidades especificas, sean de orden social o de orden biológico, en la investigación.

Universidades participantes:

  • Universidad Alcalá de Henares

  • Universidad de Huelva

  • Universidad Islas Baleares

  • Universidad Jaume I Castellón

  • Universidad La Laguna

  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

  • Universidad Alicante

About (English version): 

Interuniversity Phd Interdisciplinar Gender Studies, Autonomous University of Madrid. Participating Universities: Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Huelva, Universidad Islas Baleares, Universidad Jaume I Castellón, Universidad La Laguna, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Alicante.

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About (original language): 

Nutzen Sie den vom Institut für Geschlechterforschung in der Medizin (GIM) - Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin entwickelten eLearning Kurs "eGendermedizin" für Ihre persönliche Weiterbildung unabhängig von Zeit und Ort. Ziel des Kurses ist es, die aus Grundlagen- und klinischer Forschung systematisch erarbeiteten Kenntnisse zu Geschlechterunterschieden in der Medizin für die Praxis nutzbar zu machen.

About (English version): 

The eLearning course eGender Medicine aims to help further your knowlege in Gender Medicine. You can independently schedule the place and time of your learning. The Institute of Gender in Medicine (GIM) - Charité University Medicine Berlin developed this advanced training course based on the systematic analysis of gender differences in basic and clinical research. We hope that doctors will be able to integrate these concepts into clinical medicine and use the sex perspective for assessment in their daily practice.

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About (English version): 

Low-grade inflammatory state causes the development of the principal chronic-degenerative pathologies related with ageing. Consequently, it is required a better comprehension of the physiologic origins and the consequences of the low-grade inflammatory state for the identification of 1) the basic mechanisms that lead to the chronic inflammatory state and, after that, to the progression toward the pathologies and 2) the parallel identification of the prognostic biomarkers typical of these passages. These biomarkers could bring to several improvements in the health quality, allowing an early diagnosis and more effective treatments for: a) the prevention strategies on the healthy population, to assure a healthy longevity and b) the identification of personalized treatment in patients, to assure the benefit of the therapy. For the identification of these biomarkers it is necessary to consider that the ageing processes produce alterations of the physiologic systems and that these modifications compromise the communications between these networks: this state constitutes an obstacle for an appropriate physiologic homeostasis, that plays a fundamental role for the safeguard of the health. It is also to be considered that immune senescence affects both men and women, but it does it in different ways: a sexual dimorphism of immune pathways in the setting of immune response homeostasis is normally present, as we previously underlined. Therefore we hypothesize that, in order to prevent the development of the chronic-degenerative pathologies related with ageing, it is important to identify "Biomarkers of Homeostasis " specific for each gender: these are biologic molecules that should be measurable in a practical and no-invasive way and whose variations can quantify the male and female risk of losing the physiologic system homeostatic capacity. This competence is not only critical in the control of inflammation, but it is also prognostic for the passages from low-grade inflammatory state to the chronic inflammation and to the progression toward the degenerative pathologies. Beginning from the actual results, our intent is 1) to discuss and underline the importance of these new research perspectives in the definition of ageing gender-specific clinical "Biomarkers of Homeostasis" and 2) to propose homeostasis biomarkers, already present in the research results.

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