Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)

About (original language): 

Le projet expertes.eu a été lancé par le groupe Egalis, Radio France et France télévisions. Il a pour objectif de participer à la visibilité des femmes dans l’espace public et les médias. Il recense plus de 1000 expertes sur 200 thématiques et 2500 mots clés.

About (English version): 

Portal of women experts specifically targeted at the mass media in order to foster participation and visibility of women in public debate. Over 1000 registered experts regarding 200 topics.

Media Type: 
Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Date created: 
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About (original language): 

/femconsult ist ein Angebot des Kompetenzzentrums Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung CEWS, einem Arbeitsbereich von GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen-Datenbank enthält aktuelle Qualifikationsprofile von mehr als 3.000 promovierten und habilitierten Wissenschaftlerinnen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Diese stammen aus allen Fachdisziplinen und sind in Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen, Industrie und Wirtschaft tätig. Das Informationsangebot "Aktive Personalrekrutierung" informiert über das Thema Geschlechtergerechtes Personalmanagement in der Wissenschaft.

About (English version): 

/femconsult is recruitment database for female researchers from the German-speaking world. It is offered by CEWS - Center of Excellence Women and Science and contains more than 3.000 qualification profiles of graduated and habilitated women researchers and professionals from various academic disciplines working in higher education, research, as well as in the industrial and economic sector. /femconsult also offers information on gender-neutral human resource management in science.

Type of resource: 
Media Type: 
Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Date created: 
Is this resource freely shareable?: 
Gender and Science taxonomy: 
Scientific discipline: 
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About (English version): 

This three days workshop is designed for young female researchers in the
field of algebraic geometry.

There will be a Minicourse
"Periods and Motives" by Annette Huber-Klawitter (Universität Freiburg),

complemented by
- Selected research talks by the participants
- Poster sessions.

The workshop will provide a platform for learning about new research
developments, for scientific exchange, and for establishing new collaborations.

Financial support is available.

Male participants are welcome to attend, but they cannot receive funding.

For more information please consult the web page:

If you are interested, please register by sending a mail to:
YWiAG@math.uni-bonn.de .


Type of resource: 
Media Type: 
Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Date created: 
Is this resource freely shareable?: 
Intended user group: 
Total energy: 

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About (English version): 

Science still seen as male profession, according to international study of gender bias | Science/AAAS | News

Type of resource: 
Media Type: 
Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Date created: 
Is this resource freely shareable?: 
Total energy: 

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