GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Institutional practices and processes

Author Post date Title
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Apr-4 ACT 1st Synergy Conference - Community Mapping
2019-Mar-11 She Figures 2018
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Mar-6 ACT Modular Questionnaire Framework
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Mar-6 ACT Community Mapping Questionnaire
ictlogist 2019-Jan-7 Gender planning and evaluation methodologies
2018-Oct-22 Blog "Mulheres na Física no Século XXI"
caricaro 2018-Oct-11 Ingenious Women Travelling Exhibiton
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Measuring Gender Diversity in Research Teams: Methodological Foundations of the Gender Diversity Index.
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Using Wearable Sensors in Gender Research. Comparative Case Study Report.
caricaro 2018-Oct-10 Gender Diversity and Team Science. Conceptual Framework
Author Post date Title
Monicam 2019-Apr-1 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women
teresalv 2019-Mar-19 I Jornadas Educación Superior e Igualdad: "Puentes entre la Formación universitaria y la Participación social" / 1st Conference Higher Education and Equality: 'Bridges between University trainning and Social participation'
Olga Kotowska
2019-Mar-12 “Masculinity and femininity: towards gender complementarity”
chatzimallis 2019-Feb-27 Webinar on the Promotion of Gender Equality at EURAXESS and EQUAL-IST
Anke@GESIS 2019-Jan-30 Gender-based Violence in Higher Education International Workshop to Connect Ongoing Research
sreiland 2019-Jan-8 How to design, implement and follow-up a Gender Equality Plan
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Oct-22 I, Scientist 2019 - The conference on gender, career paths and networking
hulyacaglayan 2018-Oct-19 6TH EUROPEAN WOMEN RECTORS CONFERENCE: Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia
Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2019-Mar-4 GENTIC- Researching Gender in the Network Society (Gender & ICT)
Marina Cacace
2019-Feb-27 ASDO