GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Institutional practices and processes

Author Post date Title
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Sep-26 Engendering Environment. Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Impact Assessment in Environmental and Health Protection
2017-Sep-22 Online Certificate Course on Gender and Development Training - 2024 edition 2017-Aug-2 Call for Abstracts “Beyond homo oeconomicus: diversity in economics and social science” Festival for New Economic Thinking
Gloria Bonder 2017-Jul-27 Reunión de especialistas: Igualdad de Género en la Educación Técnico-Profesional
gigi guizzo 2017-Jul-14 #USVreact Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Universities - European Findings Conference in London
Giobanna Buenahora
2017-May-31 Seminario de Formación de Habilidades Profesionales con Perspectiva de Género
arroyo_lidia 2017-May-11 European Launch of the Gender in the Global Research Landscape Report
Author Post date Title
sreiland 2017-Aug-10 LIBRA Recruitment Handbook - Guidelines for inclusive, transparent and unbiased recruitment processes
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-Jul-5 What your PI forgot to tell you: why you actually might want a job running a research lab
Gloria Bonder 2017-Jul-5 In higher ed, it’s not enough to “fix the numbers” of women in STEM
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-27 Succeeding as Engineering Majors: Cultural Ecology Theory and Perceptions of Within-Race Gender and Ethnicity Differences in Engineering Skills and Work Ethnic
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-10 Gender Differences in Time Spent on Parenting and Domestic Responsibilities by High-Achieving Young Physician-Researchers
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-10 The Gender Divide: The Impact of Surgeon Gender on Surgical Practice Patterns in Urology
Elizabeth Pollitzer
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-3 Women, Peace and Inclusive Societies
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2017-May-1 Understanding Women’s Gendered Experiences in Physics and Astronomy Through Microaggressions
Author Post date Title
Giobanna Buenahora
2017-May-31 Seminario de Formación de Habilidades Profesionales con Perspectiva de Género
arroyo_lidia 2017-May-2 GenPORT - Your Gateway to Gender and Science Resources
Author Post date Title
Giobanna Buenahora
2017-May-18 Red Mexciteg Red Mexicana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género
arroyo_lidia 2017-May-13 Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)